How do I get my $5k?

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Feb 1, 2000
Deltona, Florida, USA
Here's the story:

3 months ago I was playing this home game of poker against a few fish I know. Had a great night! Throughtout the night, there was one player that wanted to borrow some cash. I felt I knew this player well enough to extend the loans which totalled an amount of $5K. This borrower is very well off, likes to throw it around and I felt confortable enough to give the loan. He wrote me a personal check as I guess a collateral measure.

Well now 3 months later, I can't get the borrower to return my phone calls (I leave numerous messages) and as you can guess, the check is no good as the account was closed after the check was dated. The borrower knows my work schedule and has called me twice (while I'm at work) and left a message stating that he wanted to get a hold of me before he goes out of town for a week and then he is unreachable when he is back in town. Obviously more ploys.

So now I'm wondering if anyone knows if there are any legal actions I can take on my own. Do I go to the county courthouse and file some check falsification charge?

If I can't get my money at least I can know f*ck with the guy that screwed me.

Don't need to hear go beat his ass or anything like that. Just looking for suggestions on courses I can take on my own without a lawyer that may aid in getting my money back.
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Aug 3, 2002
El Dora, Fla
Legally...I doubt there is much you can do other than maybe a bad check....if I was in your shoes I'd take out a classified ad in the newspaper ...something like


Do you want to make thosands of dollars? Call
________ @ ________ and he can teach you the
same method that he fleeced me out of 5K!!!
Overnight.. you too can become a successful
lowlife scumbag just like him!! Hurry....time is short!!


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
a 5k check is a feloney, I don't care what state your in, hell out her a bad check over 350 is one, so yes a lot you can do, take it to the cops and say you went to cash it and he closed the account on you, you should of put it in your bank then he would of been in even deeper shit, but i am sure you have up to at least 6 months to a year to file it. i damn sure would call let him know either pay the check or i take the 5K check to the cops and he will be hit with a bench warrent, but loop, and crazy eddie would know more, writing a check then closing a account with out leaving funds in to cover outstanding checks is just like a bounched check or writting a check on a closed account.
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May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
You let someone run up a 5K tab on you? Holy Shiite! What the hell kind of poker are you playing? Sounds like you got a sweet gig skinning these cats. I'd keep after this guy for awhile longer before I started taking it out of his hide, physically or property-wise.


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Feb 24, 2001
I'd camp out on this corksuckers front porch, and if he didn't make things right I'd hire Johnny Knockout to do the collecting. It would be worth 10% to 20% to get my money.


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Feb 12, 2000
If you were written a bad check for $5K, he is in the deep stuff. Here it is a felony for over $300.

You are not out in the cold if this is the case.
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Jun 8, 2001
Fletch and Dawgbawl are right, when I first started contracting ran in to that problem w/ some GC"s and the occasional homeowner...learned a few things, you can def. go to the police, they will usually call the endorser or name on the check, ask what the delay is and give them a little time to make it good, if they don't they can charge them larceny which is a felony (anything over $250), theft by deception (wrote the check on a closed account), uttering a forged instrument or all 3...also learned you can go to jail if you go into their house in a fit of rage to collect said funds, lol!! so be smart..
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Registered User
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Nov 20, 2002
had almost the exact thing happen tome in a card game for $3000-I will tell you what i did-I finally went to the guys work (scared the shit out of him) and calmly said "Listen give me $200 a week till this thing is paid off-know harm no foul"-by going to his wok or home he will know you mean business and will know it is a major break being able to make installments...if you end up getting most or all of your $5000 it is better than nothing....

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