how do you NOT kick this FG to go up 41-3?


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Forum Member
Jan 10, 2004
The announcers are saying VT should not kick this FG to go up 41-3. i TOTALLY disagree. Maryland is down as it stands 5 TD's. Has a team ever come back from a 5 TD deficit? Of course!!! There are still 30 minutes of football to be played. I am surprised VT did not go for the TD at the end of the half.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
I need to take a nitro pill we agree on something:D Not that we don't on many things only disagree on 1 small thing for the most part with you and it is not your handicapping skills.

If you don't try and score when you are still in the first half it makes the other team look like you are taking pity on them and that is worse then kicking the ball, you don't take a knee or let clock run out that is more of a disgrace to a team, and yes in ncaa have seen teams make big come backs in ncaa at times not lot of times but it has been done, but the big point IMO is that you really disgrace a team by not playing the game out for at least the first half now if it was 4th qt run a play and if you get 1st down so be it but you don't make a team look even worse by taking pity on them in the 1st half and any one who has coached in college or higher up knows this, so do most coaches in hs also.

Good luck with your weekend



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Jan 10, 2004
fletcher - i don't even think it is an issue of "what is more embarassing to the other team?" i think you kick the field goal because you want more points to secure your lead!!! VT wants to play in a BCS bowl...why not try to get a comfy lead to secure the win?
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Sep 30, 2004
agree, i would have gone for the TD a couple of times then kick the FG, never know what will happen in wecond half so you need all of the points you can. it is stupid to play run the clock out pity ball when the game is not even half over.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
As a coach I sure would of and not that it mattered and really did not think it would but the extra 3 points could of been big if Maryland made a come back , Miami made a nice size come back on Louisville this year. not saying Maryland is Miami but in ncaafb strange things happen a few to's and quick td's off of them and they could of been right back in the game, tech got quick scores off of early to' build the lead like they had.

It would of been as stupid not to try and score as it was for Maryland down tons kicking a fg on 4th down, hell they already had a fg on the board they should of gone for the td just so they could of said least we scored a td, that had to be one of the stupidest calls I have ever seen in coaching, what was 3 more points going to do for terps, not like they had any chance to win at that point, but a td or try for one would of showed your team you would fight for them till they end, nice message to the off who already felt like a stray cat in china. that is like kicking your own team in the gut to get 3 worthless points at the end of the game. that call will go down in the all time why did you do that calls in my book.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 17, 2003
Agree!! The announcers had to be smoking something tonight! Why the fuk would you not kick the field goal and increase your lead? As you guys stated, anything can happen in college football!
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