How Old Were You When,


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
You lost your flower?

I was twelve and my parents insisted on getting me a babysitter as I was still a slight bit unstable at that age, or so my parents said. Anyway they got Karen R. from up the street who was sixteen I think and she caught me reading playboy or some crap like that and said eihter she would tell my parents or let her spank me...........besides a small side plot concerning our Olde English Sheep Dog, Baxter, the rest as they say is history.
therefore my answer is 12.......what about you?


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
"I never believed the stories in you magazine, until this happened to me......I am a junior in a small mid west college.........:rolleyes:

(This thread should produce some real dandies!

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
OMFG, that is too funny! Let me spank you......too funny!

I was 16, and just got myself a new ride this girl I knew that was 13 had been going out with me some and we went to a School dance together, after it was over we went home to her house and wammo. All 10 seconds of it! WOW! Man to be youthful and get that stuff again! I ended up dating that girl till I was 22 years old! Man I still am in Love with her! Just to let you fellas know, I do have a Heart! And it still belongs to my First Love! If any of you live in Nebraska, tune into the weather station in Omaha, I believe you might get a peep at her! she now lives in Nebraska and is a weather girl. Man oh Man I would do anything to have her back! I'd even quit being a pervert, well maybe not! But I would at least try!

She is one Hot little number, you can't miss her!


The Sage
Forum Member
LMAO. FDC, that's too funny.... I don't even want to know what part the dog played. :nono:

Freak, I realize that we "Southern Gentlemen" can get hung up on the "first," but I'm sure the thought of losing you is what drove her to move from Alabama to Nebraska. It must have been devastating for her!!!! :cry:

yyz, you're right. this should really produce some funny chit. :D for me, I'm not one to kiss and tell. :thefinger


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Forum Member
Jan 22, 2001
Welcome to the penthouse forum....

My 9th grade math teacher said she wanted to talk to me alone after class, I didnt know then but I was to learn that 69 was more then just a number, it would be a lesson id never forget, :D
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Felonious Monk

Site Owner
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
I guess I was around 16 at the time. I dated this cheerleader in highschool and her Dad was this big harley riding badass. I used to sneak in her window to do the deed with this chick. She was fuhking hot. You see, I will put my life at risk to make my little cock happy.

She would not let me throw the used condom away for fear her father would find it. She wouldn't flush it down the toilet either because she was afraid it would come up.

So what did I do? I had to put the nasty thing in my pocket, climb out the window, run down the street to my truck and chunk it out the window somewhere down the street. It worked out until one day........................

Mom: "Monk, your truck is blocking me in the driveway. Get your lazy ass up and move it"

Monk: "Damn it mom, I'm trying to fuhkin' sleep, my keys are in my jeans.....move it yourself!"

Mom: "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH, what the hell?!? You sick little bastard!!"



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Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
Was fifteen alone in my b-room one school night. Had just put the social studies book down, and that lttle son of a bitch had been standing at attention all night long. Decided I was gonna take care of some business. After that 1st toe-curling experience, I proceeded to punish that purple-headed soldier THREE more times! Next day I had a serious case of skin burn down both damn sides of that little fella. Ever try to milk your muscle with 3 bandaids hanging off your Johnnie??:eek: :eek:


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Great story homes...but when I say lose your flower I was generally talking about a consenting partner with you, not that there is anything wrong with ripping the head off the one eyed wonder worm. I personally feel that everyone should do that three times a day whether you need it or not! My only question is this......What the hell were you studying? When I was fifteen we were studying Social studies also but the part that gave me an erection seems to have escaped me at the moment. I mean I could understand say Geometry trying to find the area of a circle, or maybe even English Literature giving you wood, say the Scarlet Letter or something (that dirty girl). But Social Studies? Dude stay away from Biology. You will be left with a bloody nub, Geez.

O.K. you are your pockets stick together?

lmao, you are a true freak....fine

You're a virgin? Cool, good for you man! So is my sister. She is 39 years old too. I go see her once a month and bring her toys, you know her?.....a joke

tmi, right back at ya babe


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
14 and that is46 years ago for me. Hey it don't ware out. Was minding my own business. Sleeping out in my back yard in my tent I had got for my birthday. Nice 15 year old neighbor gal who I went to school with said it was time. Yes it was. Still know and see her today. We laugh about it now. ;) Would like it one more time. She has said maybe. Yo were both hitch up so we must be careful.:D
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Was 16 or 17 been going out with this girl for bout year and a half.
It was planned we both thought it was time and decided to take blanket to sand bar on mississippi river called the point.We throw blanket on the sand and start the process while getting out of clothes we managed to get off blanket,who cares at that point right? WRONG.Seems ole dogs must think he had more stick than he did cause on bout 3rd backstroke it comes completely out ,hits the sand and you guessed it I couldn't wait to return it home with much sand clinging to it.Make a long story short took about 8 weeks for her infection to subside till I got another stab at it.


Roll Tide Roll
Forum Member
Jan 29, 2001
Birmingham, AL
21 year old. The girl and I are still going out and we have been going out for 3 years. We will get married in a couple of years. That is if she keeps me around. :D


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
Some very funny stuff on this thread,but Neemer that story was great.I am curious like FatDaddy,what were you reading in social studies that got you excited?My guess was that you were reading about wives of American Presidents & either it was the chapter on George Washington or FDR.They both were married to babes,Martha Washington & Eleanor Roosevelt.Which one was it?(LOL!).

My story is not as funny as others.I was 18 & working as a waiter in a hotel in a resort area in upstate NY(Catskill Mtns).The 2nd day on the job I met a waitress (who was 2 years older than me) at the pastry section in the hotel kitchen. At the same time we both reached for the same piece of pie.When I looked to see who was fighting me for that slice of pie,I saw the most beautiful blue eyes that I had ever seen.I just melted & of course I let her take that pie.
That nite after work,I was shooting pool at a local bar when blue eyes came over to me.She told me that she felt bad about taking that pie & offered to buy me a drink which I gladly accepted.But then she did the unthinkable,she started to talk to me.But I couldn't talk because I was in awe of her beauty.So she carried on the conversation by herself(lol!).After about 3 drinks she takes my hand & leads me to the back room which the bar was using for storage.As we were walking I was trying to figure a way out of this situation,I was so scared.But I couldn't talk.When we got to the storage room we found a little cot.A half hour later,I was in love.I thought maybe I should propose to her.But then I reasoned that would be stupid because I was going to college & could not afford to be married on the weekly allowance that my parents were giving me.
We spent the whole summer together humping away.It was a great first time experience.
Now back to reality.Where are those monthly bills that I have to pay?


not banned
Forum Member
Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
okay, FINE...since you know i was in the thread, i'll answer while i'm here..........16, married him....nuff said :)

my REAL question is....what i the HECK does TMI mean??????

and Taoist, you're right about starting earlier the further south you get....was it your sister? or was it your cousin? ;) ;) ;)


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 3, 2001
13, lost to the (older) neighbor girl that liked me. came over when my mom was shopping. next thing I knew she had talked me into strip poker then into my bedroom. I was scared shitless my mom was gonna come home and catch me. talk about pressure. lasted all of about 2 minutes. :D
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