How you "Barter" in Oregon...........


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation

SANDY, Ore. (KATU) ? A Sandy man arranged to trade a pound of marijuana for a snowmobile that was posted ?for sale? on Craigslist by an Oregon State Police trooper.
Jason Owen, 29, of Sandy, was cited for possession of marijuana, delivery of marijuana, and driving on a suspended license after the attempted purchase.
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According to police, Owen had arranged to buy the snowmobile on Craigslist earlier this week. During the online exchange, he asked if the owner would consider a pound of weed as trade for the vehicle.
The seller, an OSP trooper out of Salem, told his supervisor about the request. It ended up being forwarded to the Oregon State Police Drug Enforcement Section.
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The trooper agreed to meet Owen on Saturday at the Pilot station in Brooks. Oregon State Police stopped him while he was driving around the parking lot. His 26-year-old passenger was not cited.
A reminder ? it?s legal for adults 21 and older to have up to an ounce of usable marijuana outside of their house. You can have up to 8 ounces in your house, and can grow up to four plants. | More marijuana laws in Oregon

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