What year did you Gradyeeeate? I was just curious because if you know Woodson then we are probably close to the same class! Just curious!
And once again! War Eagle! ( You other guys hate that sh@t don't you?)
You know this really does not pertain to welcoming you, but have you ever noticed that people from all over america will give you a War Eagle if they see your AU garb! I was in Southeastern Utah, around Moab, and as I walked from the car to the gas station some big old Mug walks right up on me( the whole time I'm thinking this guy is about to lay an ass beating on me So I'm a little nervous) and says War Eagle! Well hell I flinched, I thought he was gonna say" hey why did you cut me off back there?" But he says War Eagle and I return the Gesture and part ways. But I thought that sure was a test of the Auburn Spirit because I never here people hollerin that Roll Tide Shit anymore! Guess we're special. Damn its great to be an Auburn Tiger!