I do not post to this website very often, however I constantly read this message board. I probably won't get a lot of recognition for this play, but I have been very successful on my BIG plays this year. I feel I have one tonight.
Indiana has there biggest game tonight in probably the past 10 years. The home crowd is going to be crazy for this game. Also, IU wants payback on Ohio State for beating them earlier this season. I see Indiana covering the 3 point first half line in easy fashion. Load up on this one.....
$1100 to win $1000
IU-3 first half
Indiana has there biggest game tonight in probably the past 10 years. The home crowd is going to be crazy for this game. Also, IU wants payback on Ohio State for beating them earlier this season. I see Indiana covering the 3 point first half line in easy fashion. Load up on this one.....
$1100 to win $1000
IU-3 first half