Humble opinion

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In my humble opinion I think this years National Championship game will go down as one greastest(if not the best) National Title games ever to be played! Being an Alabama fan I would say the '92 game was the best, but my opinion is of course bias

As you can see I'm looking forward to this game seeing as how I went to last years Orange Bowl and I feel like I got cheated out of a game, not saying Auburn should have been in the game, but it might have been a little better.

And last, I think both teams will score in the 20s if not the 30s and I also believe that Texas will cover this line.

Opinions appreciated

Roll Tide and I'm scared to death of this shitty bowl game of ours coming up--
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Sep 12, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
I just hope when the game is over, we can just say it was a good game, not so and so ****ed it up or this was a bad play or this person was responsible. Can we just agree that the better team will win and leave it at that?


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Forum Member
hell yeah, but do I sense a little hostility towards me, or are you just saying that in general?

I think you saw my write up at the top of the page where I said this was probably going to be the best National Championship game ever, hope it'll be!
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MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg