Hurt in the line of "doody"

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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY

Court clerk plumb mad.
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April 26, 2004 -- A Brooklyn Family Court clerk is flush with anger and suing the city for $5 million claiming he was injured when a courthouse john suddenly broke beneath him.
"I was sitting on the toilet bowl . . . and the next thing you know, it exploded," said the 40-year-old senior clerk, who claims he suffered four herniated discs in his back.

"I was on the floor, on top of a pile of broken porcelain, in a puddle of water and filth."

Frank D'Alessandro took his infamous bathroom break last July 14 in a private water closet in a judge's robing room on the second floor of the Adams Street courthouse, where he now handles appeals. The porcelain throne shattered beneath his 225-pound, 6-foot-2 frame.

"All I know is one minute, everything was fine, I was doing my business, and in a split second, it's like, 'Boom!' What the heck happened? I'm on the floor!" he said.

His butt slammed into the neck of the bowl still bolted to the wall - before he fell to the floor with his pants and underwear still down around his ankles.

D'Alessandro, who lives in Queens (Woodside, not Flushing), said he felt fine - at first. But then his back started to hurt.

He didn't want to make a big stink about it - but a trip to a doctor revealed the herniated discs, he claims in his lawsuit. Now, he goes to physical therapy and a chiropractor, and stretches every morning for 20 minutes before going to work.

"It's a pain in the ass to do all this stuff," he said.

But what really yanks his chain is that he's unable to exert himself as much as he could before. "I've been advised not to pick up anything heavy."

Once the toilet was replaced, D'Alessandro's colleagues posted a sign above the new throne that reads: "The Frank D'Alessandro Memorial Toilet." D'Alessandro and his lawyer, Morris Markowitz, aren't above some bathroom humor.

"A man has a right to be safe," Markowitz said, "I think that should be in the Constitution, or at least the Bill of Rights, in the pursuit of happiness."

But they insist the legal claim isn't a crock.

"I wouldn't want it to happen to me. I'm old. I definitely would've fractured a hip," the 70-year-old attorney said.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
LOL :moon: ouch great story. Could you see the look in his face when it let go. :D :eek:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
LOL djv, thats the New York Post for ya. Depressing paper to read, but funny at the same time, should check out the sports headlines also, like today for the yankees "There's Broom for Improvement" Always good for a few laughs, especially if you're a yankee hater its fun when they're playing bad, too bad my mets are even worse right now :mad:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Boston sure has the Yankes number right now. I must admitt im not big on the Yanks.