I don't get it.

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JT Sneaks

Forum Member
Nov 14, 2000
I promised myself, not to get involved with this and just to let it go. I pride myself in not getting involved with these sort of things, but since this involves me, I have to say something.

I fully understand that people do not like to pay for picks, and I respected that. I even went out of my way to pose a Q&A thread in the free throw forum and answered all questions asked, even the ones full of insults, without once attacking someone's character. I understand that many of you were taken aback by what happened and felt betrayed. I completely understand how you feel, because after this came out, I too felt suprised and betrayed by what was posted in this forum.

the reason I have not returned is because the people who paid deserve to get what they paid for and so I am finishing up my original commitment to them after that I don't know what I am going to do.

All any of you had to do was say "no thanks".

JT Sneaks


Roll Tide Roll
Forum Member
Jan 29, 2001
Birmingham, AL
You did what you did for you. Why you have to answer for that is beyond me. I understand that you do things for economic reasons and that is perfectly fine.

I wish you well JT. No hard feelings from me. I understand where you are coming from. You are on of the best in my book.

Good Luck.:D


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 2, 2001
Atlanta, GA
Re: I don't get it.

JT Sneaks said:
All any of you had to do was say "no thanks".

You said it right there JT. As I told you the other day in my e-mail I was shocked when i saw people bashing you. You have always helped anybody out with questions whether they were a new member or a regular at the hoops forum and didn't deserve to be treated that way. All I can say is that I hope you will return someday, but if you don't, I totally understand. In any event, YOU ARE A CLASS ACT!!


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Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001


JT--I don't mean to clog your thread up....but I don't get it either!!!!!!

For most of us we live in the USA, the best country around...Why is it the best: people have choices,freedom and the right to free enterprise. JT,Hoops,Fletcher,MJ or whoever has the right to do what they want. They have the right to either post here or don't post here, they don't owe us anything. If they want to charge for they picks that is their right....and we as American's have the choice to pay or not to pay...It's simple supply and demand..

JT- I hope everything is well and hope to continue seeing you around. Even if you don't psot your picks you made the NBA fun so come around and say :cool:


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
JT glad to see you back. You are right, shouldnt have to be bombarded with insults. You have brought to much to the forum for that. Alot of people were upset (myself included) with the new direction this site was taking, the people voiced their opinion (some nicer than others), but everyone needs to remember there isnt a site without the people.

I've heard everything from a business decission, to providing a service, ect ect ect. If its a matter of increasing revenues for the site, I personally would rather see a membership fee (Mj can use the $$$ as he see's fit, ie paying cappers) Providing a service??? We all have seen that tried, not a good business idea for this site IMHO.

The end result is this forum is based on sharing information. On any given day a number of cappers find little hidden treasures that they enjoy sharing, hopefully the 3 of you have gained an edge from what others have shared as well. And lets face it, we ALL HAVE EGO'S,and theres nothing better than starting a thread and coming back and seeing how many hits you've got. In the old day's ( 3 weeks ago) seeing a flame glowing against your thread,what a nice feeling that people are interested in what you have to share.

Guess I'm done rambling, in closing I hope all 3 of you do stick around, JT would miss seeing :cool: at the end of your threads. Good Luck!!!!

And go put your :cool: at the end of your post !!!
Last edited:

Ike Bomb

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 3, 2002
Come on over...

Come on over...

Join us in the halftime NBA thread JT.

Don't be intimidated! :nono:


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Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000


Personally, I'm gonna miss you Sneaks. You bailed my ass out of the gambling hole more than once this season. Also, I ain't no damn communist that thinks everyone deserves everything for free. Charging a fee for a reliable service seems like the American way to me. Those who bashed you truly have much to learn about life and economics.

Best Wishes



They still suck
Forum Member
Feb 2, 2001
Ann Arbor, Ohio
Re: I don't get it.

JT Sneaks said:

All any of you had to do was say "no thanks".

JT Sneaks

It's not as easy for me to simply say "no thanks". I guess my biggest suprise was of how bad Jack and almost everyone else would make fun of pay services on this site, then, here they were being endorsed! Was I supposed to feel better about paying someone just because I've gotten to know them (through a PC) over the last coupla years?
I guess I didn't know them as well as I thought.

We see the term..."sucker bet" alot on this site....well, now I see that bets aren't the only thing for suckers!

No Thanks

JT Sneaks

Forum Member
Nov 14, 2000

"let's not forget about it?" I never forget about and in fact I think about it on a daliy basis, that is another reason why I was upset, when some of those "well wishers" were the first to step up to the plate and bash me.

JSMOOTH, this is a perfect example of what I am talking about. What jack was doing was different from a normal "pay service" he was giving you the best of both worlds. How many "services" do you know that would be documented for over two years, before giving you a pick, and then be documented by a reliable source (madjack) in the future? How mnay services would not only post his plays, but answer questions on games he did not play and the reasons why. Last, and this is a doozy, how many services do you know that would bust his ass to get research and plays out to fit your schedule? I am guessing it would be none.

I guess I didn't know them as well as I thought

you hit the nail on the head.

JT Sneaks

Sick Dog

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2001
High Plains of Kansas
I don't know who's idea it was to charge for your pics and I'm not saying they are not worth it.(your record speaks for itself)
But if someone wanted to payI think the price could have been set alot lower. To make it affordable for everyone, come on at $50 a week that's $2600 a year times three cappers. This to many may have been seen as a get rich deal.


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
JT you'd be right IF I was looking for a pay service, but I'm not. If that is the direction you choose I wish you luck, your an excellant capper. But the question that keeps coming back to my head is if this site goes to pay for picks, where will it end. Other pay picks are posted here, free, you think that your will be kept a secrect, doubt it.

Easiest way to solve the problem is a membership fee for all. This keeps the info open to all, people not pointing finger when someone goes cold ( and we all do). We use the info with are own capping skills, we all get the best of both worlds. MJ can use the membership fee's to pay cappers if he choices, or mybe who's the hottest, whatever.
End result JT, none of you needed the grief, and most of us can agree on that. Good luck and hopefully we see you around :cool:


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
JT - I am in full agreement with you. I have never bet one game because of you and seldom read any bb threads. Nevertheless, I would almost bet that those bitching the loudest are under 30. I know I sound like an old fart, but I have been teaching high school kids on and off for 32 years. A huge percentage of our population today feels that they DESERVE things for free. And that goes beyond money. Many feel that they have a RIGHT to get things for which they don't work for. I love Mad Jack's and respect Jack's right to do as he chooses. But let's be honest about it - it IS the best sports information site but it isn't a flippin' church! I must assume that people in here are old enough to make their own decisions. Yes, they could just say "NO". I hope you stick around because I will definitely start to read your posts - you must be damn' good. Good luck no matter what you do!


Roll Tide Roll
Forum Member
Jan 29, 2001
Birmingham, AL

In my mind there is a BIG difference between a pay service and a tout service. The touts are the ones that I can not stand and the ones that most people on here can not stand. The touts are the ones that state guaranteed winners, and guaranteed 90% winning percentage. JT, Fletch, and Hoops are not those people.

These guys are not tout services.

JT I hope you post a play on here once and a while whether it be college or pro. You are a class act and will always be one. Do what is best for you and do not look back.

Keyser Soze

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 20, 2000
Hey Coach, I miss you Man!

Wishing you nothing but the best. And if you care to, would you give Jack the okay to send me your e-mail address.

Take Care


JT Sneaks

Forum Member
Nov 14, 2000
Final Post on the issue

Final Post on the issue

For those of you who had kind words...thanks...

for those who did not, you have a right to your opinion.....

I will be in the chat room for about an hour to answer "reasonable" questions on the subject, after that I will no longer speak of it.


JT :cool: sneaks
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