i don't understand


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 3, 2001
what world am i forced to raise my kids in.

not just this tragedy by others but by our own (ideally i wish i didn't have to use "our own" and refer only to americans, one day I'd like to be able to refer to our own and mean everybody on the planet but what a f***ing pipe dream)

there are reports that people have actually been trying to post debris for sale on ebay.

gas price gouging? what f***ing parasite sees this as a chance to make money

even the constant media blitz is too much. the story about the man with the 2 month old son that called to tell his wife to have a good life? Another guy calling to tell his wife goodbye and take care of their daughter.

what happened on the other three flights. couldn't they be stopped. that question has haunted me for days now and I think it will stay with me for a very long time. along with what would i have done had i been there.

i think friday nite i will put my kids to bed early and tell my wife she's not allowed downstairs and just drink and cry til i pass out.

tonite i'll donate to the united way or red cross site, sunday i'll go give blood and i'll try to spend even more time than usual with my family (as long as my spirits can hold out) but friday nite is my own.

and if they ever need a guy to pull the trigger, throw the switch or push in the needle into someone that's even remotely responsible for this, I volunteer for that.

after watching my two sons be born i have a much higher value of life than i ever had before but i could very easily watch some piece of worthless flesh suffer long and hard for this. long and hard.

i wish i could do more


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 7, 2000
Can we watch the news coverage with out seeing those idiots jumping around? How many times do they have to show the airline crashing into the towers?
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