I don't usually post virus stuff, BUT this one...


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
the Sircam virus is a pretty new one. It is one of the "worm" types that sends to everybody in you address book as soon as u open it while then proceeding to F up your computer in some way. This one is especially bad because McAfee doesn't recognize it yet. I have recieved this virus SIX times since 1700 yesterday, so apparently it is pretty rampant right now. If u have virus protection that u update monthly, u might want to do it a little early. It looks harmless enough and might have these words in it...

Possible Sircam texts
"Hi! How are you?"
"I send you this file in order to have your advice"
"I hope you like the file that I sendo you"
"I hope you can help me with this file that I send"
"This is the file with the information you ask for"
"See you later. Thanks"

This virus plunders files and then changes itself in the text line and resends. U can read about it at http://vil.mcafee.com/dispVirus.asp?virus_k=99141& this explains it as well and how to get rid of it. www.mcafee.com has a free virus scan on it if anybody wants to check to see if they have any computer viruses.

It's far better to be LUCKY than good.

[This message has been edited by SixFive (edited 07-27-2001).]


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 6, 2000
miami, fl.
i have said it many times: if it looks like it is not yours, delete it.

if you receive a letter from a known person who usually addresses you as dude, son, wassup, etc., and then suddenly, it says "hi, how are you?", doesn't that make you a bit suspicious?

a file for your review? do you get files for review as a matter of routine? is the letter even signed by anyone you know?

we have several computers here at the office, and the only one that got the virus was one used by an employee to check his damn hotmail account. guess how we got it?

i don't want to promote it, but aol has kept most viruses out, especially since my mail is in their memory, not my computer, as opposed to most other mail programs. aol has alerted me to viruses attached to "routine" attachments we get, where a virus is added in an extra attachment.

macafee did recognize the virus almost immediately, but you have to be updating constantly or you can get infected in a lapse of just a few days, like sircam, which spread like wildfire.

so the big get bigger. ok, but it ain't suffocating, like micrograb.

btw, it was also written very well in spanish with the same type of words:

hola, como estas?



Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I'll take my chance with the viruses (I didn't open this one, and I agree with your advice. I delete a lot of stuff.) rather than have AOL. AOL blows imo. It is soooooo slllllooooooowwwwwwwwwwww. You also get a bunch of trash email and advertisements. 2 of the six senders of this virus also have AOL. Once you have a server like @home (cable modem) you won't want anything else.

BTW, hotmail checks all it's attachments with Mcafee which is very nice since it is free. Hotmail is also not stored on your computer but on their space. It however does not recognize this one yet. I have had a lot of viruses come to my hotmail acct. Usually it will alert you that the file is unsafe/virus.

I do not have a virus protection software program on my computer because they all hog up so many resources that your computer becomes akin to a snail. That's why I have to be careful and why I wanted to alert others. Good luck, pep and all, and like pep says, if u don't know the sender or if it is somebody u haven't talked to for ages, don't open the attachment and delete it immediately!

It's far better to be LUCKY than good.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 5, 2001
The first time I got sircam, the attachment was a .dat file.
I thought "That's harmless", and opened it.
The disk drive started rattling.
I shut down and rebooted.
Can't find any of the sircam files, so guess I'm ok.
The file was actually something.dat.pif or something like that, and the browser picked up the windows default to suppress the display of filename extensions.
I went to my computer/view/options/view and unchecked "hide ms-dos extensions", and sure enough, .pif.
I learned something else here.
I hadn't known before that .pif was executable.
BTW: the last sircam I got came from cashier@sportingbet.com!
Think I'll start replying to viruses to make sure the sender knows they've got it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 6, 2000
miami, fl.

that is the least we can do, to notify the sender that his comp in infected, and better if we also identify it for them.

we don't have any choice here, we must get together to stop these viruses from spreading, or else no mj.

i wish handicapping was this easy.



ad interim...
Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
"...Quo fas et gloria ducunt..."
from canada, I can tell you guys that we're having a prob here with viruses as well...
I've been on e-mail now for about 7 years and never ONCE did I get an e-mail with any malicious attachments.
NOW, over the last 3 days, my e-mail anti-virus has blocked up 3 mailicious e-mails in three days???
WTF??? I don't think this is a coincidence.
Even large businesses here in Toronto over the last few days are having probs with viruses that are corrupting and infecting computer files...
(my dad is ONE person of thousands who's been having probs with this chit lately up here..)


Forum Member
Dec 1, 2000
I recieved the one asking for advice two days ago. I scanned it and saw it had a worm in it and deleted it. I didn't know it was so big until today. Saw it on CNN.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Certainly appreciated the post on this. Have receive about 6 of the "I send you this file in order to have your advice" in last 3 days all coming from DENISE.Received an unfamiliar one today entitled Snow white and the 7 dwarfs.Bet that was a doosy also.
While I don't open attachments its nice to be able to recognize these.Thanks again for the heads up.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Wayne, I got the snow white virus last Monday. It is an old one, and it sucks as well. It says something like, "look what snow white does at home when the dwarfs are away" lol. Makes people think it is a porno pic or something. I keep getting the Sircam virus from Zac Palmer. I have no clue who he is. I got that peckerwood sent to me 9 times. Dang, it's hot here!

It's far better to be LUCKY than good.
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