the Sircam virus is a pretty new one. It is one of the "worm" types that sends to everybody in you address book as soon as u open it while then proceeding to F up your computer in some way. This one is especially bad because McAfee doesn't recognize it yet. I have recieved this virus SIX times since 1700 yesterday, so apparently it is pretty rampant right now. If u have virus protection that u update monthly, u might want to do it a little early. It looks harmless enough and might have these words in it...
Possible Sircam texts
"Hi! How are you?"
"I send you this file in order to have your advice"
"I hope you like the file that I sendo you"
"I hope you can help me with this file that I send"
"This is the file with the information you ask for"
"See you later. Thanks"
This virus plunders files and then changes itself in the text line and resends. U can read about it at this explains it as well and how to get rid of it. has a free virus scan on it if anybody wants to check to see if they have any computer viruses.
It's far better to be LUCKY than good.
[This message has been edited by SixFive (edited 07-27-2001).]
Possible Sircam texts
"Hi! How are you?"
"I send you this file in order to have your advice"
"I hope you like the file that I sendo you"
"I hope you can help me with this file that I send"
"This is the file with the information you ask for"
"See you later. Thanks"
This virus plunders files and then changes itself in the text line and resends. U can read about it at this explains it as well and how to get rid of it. has a free virus scan on it if anybody wants to check to see if they have any computer viruses.
It's far better to be LUCKY than good.
[This message has been edited by SixFive (edited 07-27-2001).]