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Mr. A

Forum Member

If you read my earlier post, you know I had the Stros, I just needed to start a new thread because this really isn't about just that one game.....

Now that my heart has resumed beating at a safer pace, I feel I must pour out what is left of my heart.

Forget about the fact that since I've joined this forum, I've been on a brutal streak :s2: (my main problem is money management and discipline - i just get sucked in too easily :banghead:), so bad I just had to stop posting :mj09:

I never thought I was superstitous, but i guess i am :confused: . For years I've been lurking and whenever i decided to tail a pick that wasn't mine to begin with, it felt like they NEVER hit (my boy who will probably read this heard this from me plenty of times b4 and is laughing his ass off and choking on his cronic as we speak - here's to you MAXSHARP :weed: )

Forget about the fact that I had astros LARGE and was up 9-2 in the 8th and 9-5 in the 9th (to tell you the truth, I wasn't even scared when sox hit the 3-run shot in the 8th - no prob, still up 4....right!) and it meant the difference between me losing big for the week and instead I actually won money this week :mj07: i still can't believe it myself

Forget about the fact that if CWS won I probably would be sick to my stomach right now to the point where it would cause serious health problems after suffering what would've been perhaps my most gut-wrenching loss ever since I placed my first sports wager over 10 years ago......OK, enough about me :violin: he's what I really have to say....

BASEBALL is truly the greatest game of all. I love baseball, basketball and football in no particular order. I live and die with the games and my teams and the fact that I have money on it just intensifies it....i watch when I don't have a penny going, just because I love these 3 sports (sorry soccer and hockey :nono: you just don't do it for me, but thats another discussion for another time - and I have a lot of thoughts on that matter as well, but I digress...)

but BASEBALL is by far IMHO the greatest of the "games." and this is why:

1st: Baskets, football (and Hockey and soccer for that matter) are all very similar: they go east to west and you have to get the ball in the others goal, baseball is obvoulsly much different - for so many reasons, too many to get in to all at once

2nd: they all have clocks except baseball and this is why we can see things like what we saw tonight more than just once in a while.

In basketball you can come back from a huge deficit, they do it all the time (see this year's finals game 3), but eventually, the clock determines when you stop - I remember McGrady scoring something like 13 pts in 30 secs or something at the end of a game to steal one a couple years ago or Reggie ripping the heart out of my Knicks when he scored 8 points in 10 secs ina playoff game in mid-90's (thats right people, I said it, MY KNICKS - they are a mess, an embarassment, a flat out disgrace right now - JAMES DOLAN, PLEASE SELL ASAP to Mark Cuban or anyone for that matter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but when its your team, you still represent, ya heard !)

In football, same thing, teams pull of the occasional miracle like Tennessee a couple years ago or even last year i think it was the Rams that outscored the Texans something like 21-0 in the final quarter (i think it was even the final 3-5 mins) to steal one - yeah, I had the texans +250ml that day....it hurt, make no mistake about it....but not as bad as.....well, too many losses to name

BUT in baseball, the MIRACLE is BUILT into the game. it happens somewhat frequently that a team is down big late (not always 9-2 in the 8th!!) and they come back, or they're down to their last strike in the 6th game of the world series, down 2 runs with no one on and come back to win........if thats not a season for the ages, I don't know what is!!! right '86 Mets fans ! Happy 20th !!!

There are many more occasions you can think of, but none was more memorable for me than that '86 Mets comeback - red sox fans had to have been already sipping champagne celebrating in the streets of Boston when Gary Carter singled to start perhaps the rally of all rallies (I know, i know, it was a game 6, not a game 7, but you gotta admit, that was absolutely magical)...if I wasn't a Mets fan, I'd feel terrible for any Red Sox fan, but hey, you finally got yours, and it was as sweet as could be, so you can finally leave poor Bill alone....after all, you can't fight destiny!

I don't know if I could honestly say baseball is my favorite sport, i really have a hard time choosing between the 3 (even though baseball was my 1st love).....but thats like asking you to choose between your 3 kids....but it is by far the GREATEST

its a shame really - if not for all the steroid nonsense and the rediculous money involved, which has rightfully turned many people sour on baseball and sports in general - we as a country, as a society and as people, could really have something to hang our hats on...this game is really something special...all that said if astros don't hold on, I am just demoralized past redemption....funny how much you put your heart into sports.....

God Bless and Good Night, be sure to tip your waitress....

Mr. A, signing off after a 12+ hour marathon that started with, my Mets....and this is only June...oh boy Mikey, oh boy !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Forum Member
May 12, 2002
that was nothin . stros had'em the whole time. they were jus messin with your ticker. there in bed with the pacemaker people :scared
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