I like their style


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
The Bush twins really don't seem to care much that their daddy is the Prez. They just keep doing their thing. Just a short time after Jenna gets nabbed for underage drinking, she now apparently gets caught using a fake I.D. at a restaurant in Austin. Barbara was with her, but they aren't sure if she was involved.

How funny is that? The presidents daughter using a fake I.D. And in the town that she goes to school, to boot. Ummmm, you might just get caught there, Jenna.

The manager of the restaurant called 911 (a real emergency it seems) to alert police to this heinous deed.

Leave these girls alone and let them enjoy college like everybody else. Then again, somehow I don't think they are going to let these little roadblocks get in the way of their fun.

Like I said, I like their style.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 21, 2001
that restaurant manager should be hung in the town square..obviously a pathetic Gore backer...he should be ashamed of himself!lol


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Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
Being the President's son would be the coolest. Being the President's daughter would be the worst. Hell, being the President's daughter's boyfriend is better than being the daughter!

Sic 'em


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Nov 4, 2000
Oh heck go get-em nail the shit out them every chance they get. It's the American way. Just ask the Clintons. Hey they will work the old man over soon about his poor up bringing of those kids. Why the hell did'nt he take time to teach-em right from wrong. What the heck was there old lady doing. Well she was at to many lunchens. You watch it's just starting. They set the mark high with the Clintons, anything goes. What the hell let it rip.


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
For once the secret service guys are having a little fun. Doubt they had much excitement with Chelsea - although her dad sure supplied some fun.

Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV
The real idiocy of all this is that there is a law that forbids drinking by anyone under the age of 21. So they ordered a margarita....big f***ing deal. The neanderthals who raised the drinking age from 18 up to 21 are to blame for this nonsense -- where young people can drive, vote, and get killed in battle, BUT CAN'T LEGALLY ORDER A BEER! Anyone see what's wrong with this picture?

The fundementalists strike another nail in the coffin of freedom.

-- Nolan Dalla

Big Daddy

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Forum Member
Apr 30, 2000
Nolan, I couldn't agree with you more. Being a bar owner in a college town, I have to deal with this crap every day. We are forced to bust these poor kids (or should I say, young adults), or WE get busted, have to go to court, get fined, and possibly lose our liquor license. It sucks! Drop the age back down to 19. Do the lawmakers really think they are stopping the 19 & 20 year olds from drinking? You wouldn't believe the house parties going on in this town. 100-150 kids packed into these big old rental houses, kegs of beer everywhere, with only 1 or 2 exits in case of a fire. I'm just waiting for a disaster to happen. Yea, you lawmakers, put these kids in these firetraps instead of a safe bar where there is supervision. Like Nolan said,"What is wrong with this picture?" And if their reason is to keep the 19 & 20 year olds from drinking and driving, then bust the ones driving, don't penalize all of them. I don't care what laws they make, one thing I am absolutely sure of, you WILL NOT stop these kids from having a cocktail. Let them go to a safe place to do it.
Sorry about the ranting, but this is a very touchy subject for me. Let these young adults be adults!


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Forum Member
Dec 6, 2000
Alberta, Canada
I absolutely agree, Nolan and BD

Coming from Australia, with a drinking age of 18, to Canada, thesame I cannot fathom having to fake ID's and become a criminal to get a drink at 20 yrs of age.

If drunk driving is the chief concern, set the legal blood alcohol level of an under 21 driver to zero. Don't turn all your kids into criminals.

my 2c worth

cheers (to all those over 21)



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Nov 4, 2000
Ah but you see were all barking up the wrong tree. Hey if no one likes the law get it changed. But tell then everyone should follow it. But good luck going against mothers against drunk drivers. You see they say you drop it back to 18. Well then all the 17 year olds will start. It starts at home folks. Were makeing it sound like they all drink. That is just not true. And for the Bush kid. Well not to smart since she was just caught 12 days ago. Maybe she needs to wear a wig. Get a differant fake card. Hey if she needs the stuff that bad she will get it. Hey it could run in the family. So may be not her fault at all.
Big Daddy, I remember 19 I also remember the fun we had when it was 18. I had much fun in the old 18 beer only joints. If nothing else roll it back to 18 for beer, and 21 for hard stuff. That worked well for about 50 years.

[This message has been edited by djv (edited 06-01-2001).]


Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2001
We need to start a chapter of D.A.M.M. (Drunks against Madd Mothers) LOL

[This message has been edited by sweatbet (edited 06-01-2001).]
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