I love the Longhorns, but.....

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mr. wizard

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2001
carrollton, texas, us
I'm a diehard Texas Longhorn fan, but unfortunately I'll be against them tomorrow night against Rice. I have either been to or listened to every baseball game this season, and have kept the book on all of them and this is a tough spot for Simmons tomorrow. After his incredible season last year, that of course didn't end till the end of June, he didn't pick up a ball all of July or August. Saying that was the first time he had done that since Little League. That was his main problem in his slow start, he's arm just wasn't in shape yet. As the season progressed he started to get a little better, but Simmons thrives on getting ahead of hitters and keeping the ball down in the zone, both of which he has had problems doing. Obviously after his MVP season last year, the book got out on him quick, and opponents are working the count a little more and waiting for that low to mid 80's fastball to jump on. He pitched over 128 innings last year and gave up 10 home runs, he's already at 9 this year in only 82 innings. In their only meeting this year against Rice(2-1 Rice win in 10 innings) Simmons came in relief and pitched 1.2 innings allowing no hits, 1 walk and 1 K. If Simmons doesn't get ahead of the Rice hitters and keeps that ball elevated like he has for majority of the season, this could be a long day for the Horns fans.

Another problem that Texas might have will be their opposing pitcher. Wade Townsend in the last two years has pitched 12.1 innings against UT allowing 6 hits, 2er, 1 walk and striking out 13. Even though Texas will work the walk against the best of pitchers, steal on ya, sac bunts and play small ball, Townsend has great command for as hard as he throws.

The last factor for my decision in taking the Owls is revenge. I really thought the best two teams in the country had to play in the first game last year and the winner would win it all, and that's what happened. This year I do believe Cal St. Fullerton and Rice will be playing for all the marbles and Rice wants to put a smack down on my Horns tomorrow.

I'm gambling with my head in this one and not my heart. Hope this helps.

Mr. Wizard

mr. wizard

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2001
carrollton, texas, us
About what I expected out of Simmons. That has been his pattern all year. The Horns had a big chance up 2-0 and the bases loaded. Single could have been big. We'll see what Cox can do.

Mr. Wizard

Rice was played as a 5* at -140
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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2000
Right on the $, Wizard. Man, Rice is strong! I'm not positive how the schedule falls, but I'm assuming Nieman will get another start later in the week. Owls! This could be their year. Impressive.