AR: I do not know when this troop withdrawal was planned but don't you think its a little odd that our illustrious president times the withdrawal for several months before the election. I mean really. The reason for the withdrawal was the end of the cold war. By my calculations, that ended over 15 years ago. Typical Bush family aggressive politically motivated move.
I would be suspicious of the timing of any such move by a president before an election. However, since I agree that the majority of the military will vote republican, it seems to have a bit more tarnish when your buddies do it.
By the way, driving into work this morning I saw a new political bumper sticker which I hadn't seen before. I read the top half of the bumper sticker which read "Bush". As I was about to give the driver the finger, I read the second line which stated "Satan 04". I immediately started laughing and gave the guy the thumbs up.
I am appreciative that some troops are coming home. Now if we could just shed our role as the worlds policeman and bring them all home.
Nosigar. I thought USC won the national championship. You better change your avatar. I don't think the Gore people didn't want their votes included in the last election. I believe he didn't trust the way the Florida ballot counting was handled by your presidents brother and that witch (love the hair) he had for a secretary of state.
As it turned out, I believe your presidents brother was instrumental in preventing or at least inhibiting many probable Gore voters from getting to the poles. As I've indicated in the past, the Bush family is notorious for using any and all means to get themselves elected. As Babu in Seinfeld would say, "very bad man, very bad man."
Of course, the military vote with absentee ballots. However, tell me what effect little Johnny who comes marching home after several years in Germany would have on his family and others concerning this election. I would think that they, being military, coupled with this early homecoming would be more than thankful to the criminal in DC and avidly support his re-election. Kinda like bringing home 70,000 extra campaign workers.
Mjolnar, you remind me of Forest Gump.
Wayne: Sounds like maybe they both have agendas. Obviously, the military supports Bush. As far as the criminals go, Bush and the republicans answer to crime is build more prisons (got a dilema with this and lowering taxes) ,get rid of lenient judges and throw the key away. I believe the criminal vote is more of an anti-Bush/anti-republican vote. Which I also concur.
You see what you right wingers fail to realize is that real change is brought about through education and not destroying your opposition. The quit fix is destroy your opponents. All that does is leave problems for the next generation.
My right wing friends, ask yourself this question, with Bush's hard line approach to Iraq etc, do you think terrorists are cowering in fear and saying were sorry? Or do you think, the Bushman has created a whole new generation of terrorists and individuals who hate this country and will seek revenge in the years to come.
I'll tell you this, if a terrorists attack occurs in the future (and Bush has guaranteed that that will happen) and one of my friends or family members are hurt, I will hold your president responsible for failing to eradicate terrorism (or significantly reduce it) when he had the opportunity with the world on our side after 9-11.
Another point, why do many of you right wingers continue to have this anomosity toward France and Germany? I mean think about it, they were right. They wanted the UN to continue inspections before agreeing to military intervention. No WMD. I for one, am going out this weekend and buy a nice Beaujolis and a bratwurst.
Back to the voting issue, due to your presidents actions, I know of at least 20,000 Americans and Iraqi's who will not be voting in the upcoming elections in their respective countries. Once, again people, those are dead people. Not collateral damage. They are DEAD people because some fundamentalist whack job cowboy decides to invade a country who posed no threat to the USA.
Bush should not be re-elected. Bush should be indicted. Las Vegas Irishman, I hope your right. DJV, troop withdrawal from Europe may make sense, but I (as I am with most things this administration does) am quite suspicious about the timing.
No wait, Mjolnar does not remind of Forest Gump, Sperm Dog does.
Elvis, totally agree.