Don't mean to take away from this post but it reminds me of a story...its 1979 my daughter is 2 years old and my wife ask me to go to A&P and buy bread,diapers and milk...and says please come back in 20 minutes because I know you will see someone there and BS for half an hour" I assure her I will be back in a "jiff"...I am on the express line waiting to check I look to my right over in the frozen foods a guy is pummeling another guy just like the video..this body builder guy is punching the other guy as he is half in the frozen food section of waffles.. I get out of line and jump in between them...its like a fight in school and I have broken many of those up...somehow my brain is telling me its 3rd period in the the body builder is swinging the skinny ass guy is talking smack back to him saying " hit me harder,you aint shit"...I'm thninking "shut the f you dumb ass...anyway I am now between them and the body builder lays off somewhat lays of...but I lose my balance and fall into the freezer with the other guy..its waffle eggo's section...we both get ourselves out of the freezer and the body builder puts this guy in a headlock and has him in a wresting hold ....laying on the ground. Im in between them on the ground..about 30-40 people are all watching..I look up and see the Manager of A&P in his red coat saying" If you guys don't stop,I'm calling the police"..laying on the floor I respond saying " you haven't called the police about 5 minutes still laying on the floor village, town,sheriff and state police arrive..4 different police departments... they separate us and the skinny ass guy who has been hit about 10 times tells the police.. " I;m carry a gun I am a correctional office and have a permit" no wonder he talking smack ..he had a gun as we both were in with the eggo's.. they sort hings out and realize I was just trying to break it up..they put us in different police cars as they took our statements..after about 30 minutes they took the two away and arrested them...My neighbor who I knew was the reason..she was separated from her ex husband who was the body builder and going out with the correction officer.. they saw each other by the waffles section..the eggo section... I got home about an hour later and my wife livid...told her the story and she wouldn't believe it..told the story in the faculty room the next morning..for the next 20 years 2 friends never once called me by my real name I was " eggo...At one of my 4 retirement dinners I was given a frozen eggo box as a gift...I actually told this story here many years ago..but watching that poker player getting pummeled brought back that A&P memory..sorry didn't mean to take away from original post ..