IE Problem

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Mickey's Picks

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 4, 1999
Chicago, IL
I bought a new Gateway several months ago and from day one when on the internet I get a message from IE stating that it has encountered a problem and needs to shut down. It happens with fairly good frequency and I haven't been able to notice any particular trend. Luckily I have a broadband connection so signing back on isn't the big pain it used to be with the old dial up modem but is still a pain and is something I never encountered previously in the six plus years with my old computer and AOL.

One particular recent trend though. I've tried 5 or 6 times to load the two virus scans that were suggested on gman's thread and each time I get knocked out in the middle or at the start with the damn error message and can't continue. Any suggestyions will be appreciated.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 25, 2003
What version of I.E. are you running???

Is it a run32dll in the GDI.exe error???
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Captain Crunch

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Apr 22, 2002
Lee's Summit, Mo.
Mickey, I know KMA has forgotten more about computers than Il'l ever know, but give this a try and see if works. I had the same problem a few months ago and it worked for me.

My Computer-->Control Panel-->Add/Remove Programs-->Highlight Microsoft IE 6 and then click on the Add/Remove Box, then mark the circle next to "Repair Internet Explorer", then click OK and go from there.

Hope this helps and be sure and do what LL suggested and get the lateset updates.

Mickey's Picks

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 4, 1999
Chicago, IL
Version 6.0 and I've recently just added new windows updates. The message is always the same: IE has encountered a problem and needs to shut down. When I obtained information in the error report all I found was 35cb3817. That's all I know. THanks to all for the replies.
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Registered User
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May 25, 2003
1) Installation problem - call Gateway, they should walk you through an uninstall and reinstall of IE. You could do that through Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs - Add/Remove Windows Components but it's not as intuitive to navigate as it sounds, therefore I recommend talking to Gateway about it.

2) Virus/Spyware/Adware - installing a good virus protection solution is key but if you can't get that done you may already be infected. Your PC (and any consumer-level PC sold today) should have come with SOME kind of virus protection. IF it did, run it's update routine and scan. Spyware is more interesting. Try Spybot which you can d/l for free from here:

Run updates and check for problems. This is as lengthy or lengthier than the antivirus scan and not as intuitive to navigate, but there is help.

3) A problem with IE/Windows. Go to:

Scan for updates and download critical updates. You can download XP updates after the criticals if the problem is not resolved.

Really, Gateway should be your point of support. Especially if the problem gets worse, they get involved, and find out you've been doing this, that, or the other to try to fix it before calling them. A wipe and re-install will be their most likely advice.

Good luck!!!

Mickey's Picks

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 4, 1999
Chicago, IL
Thanks KMA. Will take your advice and get Gateway involved.

My system came with Norton and 90 days of free updates which I have utilized. Don't think it's a virus as it has happened since Day 1 as I was trying to open up some applications that came with the system and long before I started serious web browsing.

I've also managed to pick up the Trojan bookmark virus that gman2 posted about and which Norton always identifies but can't do crap about! Funny thing is when I tried utilizing the other virus scans suggested in gman's thread the Norton Trojan bookmark virus flag always pops up. Almost like it recognizes that another virus scan program is being utilized and it wants to assert itself. Of course I can never utilize the other virus scans as I keep getting the "shut down" message from IE.

I also have AOL with the system, which I always utilized in the past before I moved to broadband in the past few months and which I never had this problem with. So I decided to open AOL and was able to get through the trend micro virus scan which didn't even identify the Trojan bookmark virus!!! So much for any help there. At least I didn't get the "shut down" message when utilizing "AOL's" IE. Wasn't able to get through the panda virus scan however as I got shut down halfway through that. So still dealing with Trojan and IE that keeps closing itself. Thanks again.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 25, 2003
You can try an I.E. repiar and see if that helps:

Go to:
control panel > add/remove programs > highlight IE > click change/remove > "repair internet explorer" (in a little box that pops up) > click "ok"
(it won't look like much happens and then you will be told you need to reboot and after reboot it should work better for you. That may help. You might also think about another browser.

Mozilla-Firefox is interesying in the aspect that it does not need to be "installed". It can be unpacked into a directory and then just run:

The second link points directly to the download.
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Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
FireFox also has a .exe for an install for the less experienced users. IMHO great browser, the only thing not all sites support it so there are times when you have to resort to IE.