If I ever had to play behind Sergio Garcia...


Phil Turcotte

I would lose 47 balls per round, because every time I had to wait behind him, I would rifle a 2-iron right over his head. And then when he didnt move, I would scream at him just like the gallery did. In retrospect, Im surprised the galleries werent WORSE.

His waggle is a disgrace to the game of golf, and made a mockery of the rest of the players yesterday. I dont know how Tiger stands it, or anyone else that is forced to play with him for that matter. 30-40 seconds he stands over the ball sometimes. What a joke.

How long will it be before the players in the clubhouse really start to get on him about it? Imagine you are a fast player and get paired with him for the first two rounds?

His play is a disgrace on the whole game.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 30, 2002
Ottawa / Ontario
I have to agree with you that the waggle is a distraction. I've seen Sergio live and watched the final round of the US OPEN. Tiger stated before the round that he would not look at Sergio while he addressed his ball. I believe you should have a set routine when addressing the ball but I can't find rhime or reason to Sergios as it is not the same regrip count. I counted on many of an occaision and it ranges between 13 and 30 regrips (now theres a line that should be put out) Its a good thing on tour that the pace of play is not as enforced as it is for us because i'm sure his pace has to be a slow one. If i had to do the waggle to play or be payed as well as him I would.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 16, 2002
I found that watching Garcia yesterday was like getting the glaucoma test at the eye doctor. I kept having to look away from the TV because it was too painful.

How can regripping, waggle, regripping , waggle be good for a golf swing. I realize he's a world class golfer, but it seems he could more consistent without the mannerisms.


Registered User
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Oct 14, 2001
Hamilton, Ontario
If it works for him then who are others to judge. He takes his time hitting the ball but he gets to it quickly. Some players waddle to their ball, like it was a Sunday walk in the park. If he was really that long to hit it, then he would have been warned by the PGA to speed up play.

Besides if I could play like Sergio I'd waggle as much as I wanted and would care less what others thought.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Think about it this way, Phil, if you were playing behind Sergio on a course like that in normal everyday play when u would probably be in a cart, and he would be playing faster than any average joe who would be taking probably 20-30 more strokes and be hacking in and out of that rough all day. I don't like watching him take forever either, but if u play well like he does, I would daresay he is a lot faster player because he is so good.

Phil Turcotte

I respectfully disagree. I am a 78-82ish golfer and play with many of my friends who range all over the place. The difference, they are fast players. They get up to the ball and they are ready to hit.

On par fours if we have to stop once to hit before we get to the green, I would rather stop once and have someone ready to hit. If he hits over the green, then zip we are there and they are ready to hit. Meanwhile, Sergio takes 60 seconds between out-of-cart and contact on ball time, and he still may be over the green.

Sorry, I would rather play with a quick, bad player than a slow as dogshit good player any day. When you start getting to picking over a few seconds difference here and there (between a fast hack and a slow pro) to me it comes down to enjoyment.

And I do not enjoy watching his set up.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Good point, Phil. However, I would rather play with a great player though, even if he is slow. It's not often u get a chance to play with that caliber of player, and they are sure fun to watch, even if they might be a little slow.

I can't stand playing with a slow player otherwise though. I think more about their little ticks, and it gets me off my game. The problem I usually have is when I get to play with a good foursome, the course is packed and u have to wait on every shot anyway which is also miserable. GL, and btw, I am a very fast, ready player.
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