If Private Health Insurance Is So Awesome, Why Would It Lose A Competition With Gov't

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
If Private Health Insurance Is So Awesome, Why Would It Lose A Competition With Gov't Health Care?
By David Sirota
March 5th, 2009 - 11:02am ET

If government is so awful, so inefficient and so supposedly hated by the country as the right so often insists, how are those same Republicans insisting that Americans would overwhelmingly opt to be covered by a government-run health care program, if given the choice?

McConnell suggested there were areas in which Republicans won't compromise, particularly the creation of a new public insurance program to compete with private insurers. ?Forcing free market plans to compete with these government-run programs would create an unlevel playing field and inevitably doom true competition,? the letter stated.

If the "free market" is as marvelously awesome as conservatives claim, shouldn't it have absolutely no problem winning a health-care competition with "government-run programs?" Or does this little-talked-about hypocrisy in the Republicans' argument expose a brazen corruption? Does it show that conservatives are totally bought off by the private health insurance industry that Americans despise?

I'd say the latter. The conservative movement sees polls showing the public supports the concept of government-sponsored health care (and loves government programs like Medicare) - that is, the party knows that if given the choice, many Americans would choose a government-run program over private health insurance. But because the party is so owned and operated by the private health insurance industry, it is willing to effectively undermine its entire macro-argument about the supremacy of the free market so as to shill for its moneyed benefactors.

Editor's Note: Campaign for America's Future staff member Mike Elk notes on his blog, yinzersolidarity.com:
"It is ironic that McConnell would claim that true competition would be doomed because true competition currently does not exist in the health care market. According to the American Medical Association, a single insurance company controls 50% or more of the market share in 64% of the nation's 313 health care markets. In 96% of the nation's markets, one health insurance company controlled at least 30% of that region's health care market.

Due to the lack of competition, there is little motive to control costs in order to compete?meaning that many folks simply can't afford health insurance. A recent study by Families USA showed that 1 out of 3 Americans under 65 (people over 65 automatically qualify for Medicare) lacked health care for some or all of 2007-2008. The biggest irony is that that of that group, 4 out of 5 were in a household with a full time worker and still could not afford health care. With so many Americans uninsured and health care costs causing someone to file for bankruptcy every 30 seconds, it's clear that there is not adequate competition for providing working families with quality, affordable health care.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
This is where I disagree.All depends on what INSURANCE YOU HAVE.Our family plan is great.
The flex pay is really convient.

I dont mind paying,as long as its good coverage.
I suppose people who have none ,would love the governments plan.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I love to see gov compete on "equal' footing"

Which means they have to balance their books with claims and premiums.

--and what about taxes--you got one side receiving and one side paying :shrug:

Unfortunately ins companies don't have the luxery of passing bad decisions off to the tax payor-.or next generations.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
it`s pretty simple....many lazy americans would rather have lousy "free" healthcare than very good healthcare that costs money...

the problem is that once you have government run healthcare,as poorly and rationed as it might be,the governemnt can`t let private insurance survive.....

the governemnt can`t afford to have state run healthcare with just those that want it contributing...you actually have to have hard working people contribute.....somebody has to pay...it`s socialism.......and the dregs that want a freebie, can`t carry the load...they can`t carry their own water...

so they`ll force private healthcare to fold or be enveloped into the state run system through regulation,laws and taxes.........

?The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people?s money.? ?

/margaret thatcher..


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Do you guys think that private insurance companies and private pharmaceutical companies are mainly concerned with Americans and what is best for the country - or mainly concerned with making money at nearly any cost? You guys act like the government will be against the best for their citizens, and the private companies are in business for the betterment of humanity. I would think the past few years would cause you pause. I'm not convinced that the government is the answer, but it is pretty clear to me that private entities in this country - over the past few years especially - is not necessarily the best answer either.

We see the banks - the big ones - buying up all the small ones with vested interests in their own communities. We see radio corporations buying up local stations with vested interests in their own communities, and completely changing the formats to include only the advertising and political message they want to put forth. Don't get me started with insurance companies...do you think they do business these days to benefit the end user, or the company line? It's the end result of big capitalism, and although I understand the idea, I think the big corporations have taken over what's best for the individual in many, if not most cases. There are very few management and board members of big companies these days that could care less about the individual or the worker in the company - they only care about their own bottom line, their own survival, and they feed the process at all costs.

We've lost our way, IMO, and I think we have to take a step back and look at everything. To blindly support capitalism - or whatever it has become - and support those that have all the money now, and have grown at amazing numbers over the past few years, seems to me to be short-sighted, or opportunistic, depending on what you do for a living. Some prime examples posting in this forum, for instance. I invite comments...

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
This is the same debate i was having in the other thread. Republicans always pull the old tired card on how the Gov't doesn't know how to run things and they are correct because when they are in charge all they do is dismantle the programs the Dems started that were actually good in the first place. SS was a terrific program until Republican ran up huge debts and started tapping into it. Republicans hate any programs that might save Americans any money but hurt their donors. They hate entitlement programs because they keep peoples heads above water. Free markets they always cry until someone moves in on one of these donors. Its pathetic and its sad people can't see right thru it. All they see is the Republican garbage lying talking points. Democrats are absolutely atrocious getting their points across. I said this before the Dems can take a mountain and make it into a mole hill while the Republicans take a mole hill and make it a mountain.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
I would'nt be opposed to a national healthcare system.Just dont scrap private insurance.

Weed out the bad private insurance,and just get the governments.Welfare for all!


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
That was some group of experts Obama hosted today. It was nice to see all partys there including Reb's and Dem's. Now they have to come up with a plan. I believe they will.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
That was some group of experts Obama hosted today. It was nice to see all partys there including Reb's and Dem's. Now they have to come up with a plan. I believe they will.

Just dont see how this is gonna work.
They have problems funding VA hospitals and programs to help vets.Now were gonna give universal care.

This doesnt seem attainable,or at least doable so its an outstanding plan that benefits everybody.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
We will have to see when they finish there work. But it sounds like they may allow those who can pay the toll buy private insurance. And for small business where are job growth comes from extra help provided.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Just dont see how this is gonna work.
They have problems funding VA hospitals and programs to help vets.Now were gonna give universal care.

This doesnt seem attainable,or at least doable so its an outstanding plan that benefits everybody.

Rusty, I am just blasting in here again before heading elsewhere for the night, but I saw your comment. Seems to me, with the current administration, funding VA hospitals (or virtually anything) is not going to be an issue - and compared to the last administration should be a windfall. Veterans were never a big priority in the past administration, as I recall, and funding for moving forward is apparently not an issue. From my memory, soldiers were to be used to further an agenda, and not focused on as an individual being. (Personal opinion) Whether that is understandable or prudent, I don't know. It remains the argument of our times.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
We will have to see when they finish there work. But it sounds like they may allow those who can pay the toll buy private insurance. And for small business where are job growth comes from extra help provided.

Id support small business coverage.How there gonna work that out gonna be tough.

There talking July for more infomation.Im willing to see where this goes,but realisticly the gov't. always has stipulations .Its gonna be one of those I will give you this,but only if you have that :director: ,I hope Im wrong.
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