Memories .....
Memories .....
Here's a good one foryas...
MANY years ago when onliners were in their infancy, I was greener than grass at this stuff. I hooked up with an outfit called Winward (pretty sure that was their name).
Played some blackjack and watched them BLATANTLY cheat time after time. Players could "talk" by typing something and one of them wrote," this is highway robbery!", and it WAS.
I got the hell away from their "casino" and on one SUNDAY I decided I'd give their race book a shot. I bet $10 on a horse I liked the way I almost always do (just before they're out of the gate cause I'm always late); this time there was more than 10 seconds before bets closed and they ACCEPTED the bet and there were still a couple of horses to load.
Now, get this -> the horse wins and I see that I lost in my online report. I call them up and get a guy that was hyper as all hell and starts cursing and yelling when I told him I had a wiener. I remember him saying, " You bastards can't just sit on a horse bet till they're off and expect to get paid on a day like this with SERIOUS bettors playing football a mile a minute!". He said I lost that bet no matter what. I ended the conversation with a few remarks of my own and hung up on the bastage.
Of course the next day I called again, got a manger, and they credited my account and I got the hell out of that half ass place. I did mention the name of the guy I spoke to and he said he'll take care of it. He probably gave the guy a raise.