If you are blocked from accessing MadJacks at work ...


Forum Member
Jul 26, 1999
Manchester, England
Try www.anonymizer.com

Heard about this today. Claims to prevent your details being sent to the site you're visiting, but also leaves no trace on your network/ISP of the sites that you are visiting. A way around the blocking of sites.

Must admit, I've only heard of this today so if anyone has any feedback on them I would appreciate it. Otherwise, seems a useful tool


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2001
There is also something called Xcleaner by xblock.com that wipes out all of your temp files, cookies, history, etc and checks for any spy programs your network might be running. Very usefull to run if your employer monitors your web traffic or info on your pc. Not quite the same as above, but very useful.


Forum Member
Dec 19, 2000
San Diego, CA
Hey guys I wanna give you a little scoop about anonymizer, x block etc.

First off, if your IT guys are any good they will be able to see what was left on their server after you looked at anyonymizer or any other proxy filtering service. More than likely you all have permanent rather than static IP addresses which makes it easier to catch you in the act.

When they check the IP log, they just have to look under your profile and see every single link you have ever looked at. When the see that you were at anonymizer or any other filtering service; the will just look at the link and see that it displays every single page you visited through their "proxy" it is a time consuming process but they will be able to see it. X block and other cookie crushing devices etc. ONly add to making you look more guilty, because chances are that the pages you looked at will be sitting on their server for 30 days or more.

One of the best ways around this, is to find out the actual ip address of this website and surf it as such.

Not to mention that most companies are enabling smart filters etc. to also find all of these anonymizing web-sites.

My recommendation: Wait until you can go home,

Type in the IP Address of this website and surf it that way. Most IT's won't get too suspicious unless they have reason to get you.

If you are ultra paranoid and want to get rid of porn, try BC wipe. It passes a 7 character DOD test and will clean your registry to boot.

You may want to look into surfola.com or safeweb.com and sign up as a member. It may encrypt the IT's eyes from your page but I would try it with a safe page like yahoo or something. Then run a test bed if you are in good with any of your IT people. I will soon be running a test on those 2, but the other ones don't work.

Also, for you high-speed folks. Ever consider plugging your outside phone line in during lunch? YOu would be off of their server and then you could crush your cookies and temp files and they would be none the wiser.

I am all about beating the eye in the sky...
Hope this helps



Forum Member
Dec 19, 2000
San Diego, CA
There is a program called hacktrace by NEOWORX. It tells you when an IP intruder is lurking.

There is also a net little command you can type into your dos prompt;

c:\netstat -a

tells you all ip addy's you are communicating with.

If you see the one that your IT guys have assinged to their cpu, you need to duck and cover.

Your IP is always the one in the first string of info
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