Good Sunday morning to you, do you really want to go into this?
If so, the only one who has a reason to request an apology is Helen, she is the one I used objectional language against, and her only. If you must know why I will not or I guess I should say have not apologized is simply because of the entire disagreement between myself and you girls, an apology about anything from me would appear that I thought the entire disagreement was my fault, it was not and I will be happy to go over that with you except that you refused to get it then and you will refuse to ge it now.
For the record Helen, I am sorry for the things I called you, it was out of line and out of character, well unless you were the woman at the OTB last night who complained, you got what you deserved in that case, but I digress.
I want to be clear, the only thing I apologize for is the questionalble language, nothing more as it was you Tara who followed me around various threads, not the other way around. Even as recently as probably a month ago you jumped me for mentioning the softball team, even Bahama Mama said you took it the wrong way and instead of admitting it you told her you had proof I was insulting you girls in other threads, a flat out lie, when asked to produce this proof you said you would IM her or e-mail her, clearly ducking my request to present this proof. As with all your attmepts to call me out recently I ignored it as to not start more trouble on the forum. This all started back when you girls had to constantly bash the guys on this, predominantly make forum, several, if not the majority of guys were tired of it, I just happened to be the one who spoke out about it. If we must bring up the old threads I am sure we could, the fact remains there were several people who agreed with me. If you want to go through the Happy Birthday thread now that some time has passed you will see several attempts by myself to drop the issue and it kept getting brought back up by you, Helen or Esso, even Missy attested to that fact.
It was you who came into Erics HDTV thread to fire unwarranted insults at me and then Helen lost her mind in that thread, not the other way around. Yes I did ask Jack to sort out things, not run to him and cry as you put it, but simply because reguardless of what people think this is not a public forum, it is Jacks forum and he has the final say, if he wants garbage like that to ruin his board it is his decision alone, not the publics.
In all honesty Tara I don't dislike you as much as you think, you have posted some terriffic stuff here, your husband has helped me out in some threads despite the differences you and I have had, that speaks volumes about his personality in my opinion.
I seriously could go on and on and bring up everything, but I think you get the point, I am sure you disagree with my point of view on this, but you see where I am heading. I am sure you are a terriffic person in real life, as has been attested to by people at the superbowl party, on the other end of a keyboard however things tend to be a different issue. You made one post recently that really does bother me, so congrats on that. I will not be coming to the Atlantic City party and yes, congrats again, you are the reason, but not for the reasons you think. Very simply there are at least 2 people in this forum who may end up at the party as well who possibly work with/for me and there is not a chance I would risk you finding out who I work for, I work for a very large, national company who takes customer service very seriously. One, I really don't want to mix work and gambling, could be a big problem for me, two you seem like the kind of person who if they found out where I work would call my employer and start trouble, a trip to Atlantic City is just not worth it, not that I wouldn't like to meet some of the posters here, I am just not gonna risk everything I have worked for and my families future on it, not a chance. Though someday I would like to know if the 2 posters in question are who I think they are.
In summary Tara, again I do not dislike you as much as you think, I think our disagreement was at least mostly your and Helens desire to fight with someone on the board, my opinion on that will not change, I do again apoligize to Helen and anyone else I used objectional language against, and I will not get into a lengthy discussion about this again. It is clear that Helen dislikes me and I will live the rest of my life being OK with that, the same can be said for the rest of the softball team I am sure, and again I will be OK with that for whatever years I have left. I can peacefully co-exist on the board ignoring people I do not get along with, I am trying my best with Scotty boy, but those attempts are failing miserably so I guess the above list will have to grow by 1 more.
Have a nice day, enjoy things that count and worry less about the guy on the other end of the keyboard.