i'm curious to know if anyone

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Nov 8, 2001
clifton park, ny
that has an extensive data base for NBA records ATS may be able to check this system out.
PLAY ON "any road favorite of 4 or more off a loss of 4 or less"
This system at one point hit at an amazing clip of about 85-90% or so. It seemed as if there was about 2 times a week in which the situation came up, the catch is that this stretch occurred about 5 or so years ago, then once free agency became a huge part of the league and teams like Vancouver were always huge underdogs at home it seemed as if the there were more and more games that fell into the system and the % began to tail off. So I stopped playing the angle blindly like I used to, however I always watch for it and noticed that the Lakers fall into it this evening on the road in Cleveland. Anyone that might be able to look into this system your help would be much appreciated, as I assure you if you could go back about 5 or so years you would see the cash cow this once was.
Thanks in advance checkraiser