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Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
Dude what does your name stand for or mean?
I have spent the last 10 minutes trying to figure it out!! :shrug:

I might need to get a job just to stop me from having more episodes like this one.

Thanks in advance
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Wonder Dog
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2003
Irvine, California
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
He must be one of them furreners. I don't like these license plate type names.

Smu R. Phy
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Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
found this on google pretty fast. IT also has that picture.

also this

here's his blog quite a writer!

I also think that picture is a Klingon from Star Trek.

Found it, Fek'lhr is some sort of Klingon God??

The Legend of Sto-vo-kor and Gre'thor

Many millennia ago, during the time of the Klingon gods, Sto-vo-kor and the warrior spirits who dwelled there were ruled by their creators. The black fleet fought and feasted only for the glory of their gods. This pleased the gods and they wished to fight alongside of their warrior spirits and be as brothers. But a handful of the creators protested. Fek'lhr, the leader of the rebellious gods, proclaimed that an end to the age of the gods would come to pass if they gave up their rule over Sto-vo-kor. Knowing the nature of the warrior spirits, he predicted that they would overthrow their creators if given the chance. But the other gods laughed at his words, they were convinced that their actions would strengthen their bonds with the spirits instead of threatening their place of power. But Fek'lhr would not back down, so with the aid of a few gods he started the first great war. The war lasted one thousand years and most of Sto-vo-kor was destroyed in its wake. The few gods that sided with Fek'lhr in the beginning were seriously injured and in desperation turned against their leader. Fek'lhr stood alone, outnumbered and weakened from his wounds. The gods were reluctant to destroy him. He was still their brother and his death would cause an imbalance in creation. But so he could do no more harm, they cast him into a great void for all time. In his rage, Feklhr filled the emptiness with the thunder of his voice. And from the burning tear in his chest, seven pale spirits emerged. Circling him, they collected the blood that spilled from his veins and began to create a new kingdom of the dead in his image. The lands where alive and powerful and his wounds were healed. Fek'lhr was pleased with the spirits work. He named them the D'eethkoras-i, and made them sentinels of the lands, and generals of his new black fleet. One hundred years passed, and what Fek'lhr prophesied came to be. The gods of Sto-vo-kor wished to rule once more, but the warrior spirits remembered the damage they had done in their past war and no longer saw them as divine. The second of the great wars had begun. But the gods were no match for the warrior spirits, they were greatly outnumbered and weakened from a century without their rule. Many of the gods were killed, and those who survived found themselves banished from Sto-vo-kor and standing before the gates of Gre'thor. Addressing Fek'lhr, they asked for aid in reclaiming their rule. They insisted that he help them as a payment for sparing his life in the past great war. In return he would be welcomed back to Sto-vo-kor. Fek'lhr laughed at their arrogance, and for punishment for their past defiance, unleashed the D'eethkoras-i upon them. The seven pale spirits slaughtered the last of the Sto-vo-kor gods, and from their bones built the six gates of Gre 'thor. "And when the last warrior has entered the land of the dead and is judged, there will be a final great war, and the outcome shall determine the fate of all warrior spirits
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Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
Picked it as an online handle years ago... ImFeklhr as in I'm Feklhr, the Klingon Devil. Once a dork always a dork I guess...

Thank god for the Internet, cause the character in the pic got all of 4 seconds of airtime on some episode of Star Trek the Next Generation.

Humorously, I also use it as my handle when I play poker and some guy at a table caught the meaning behind it, and continiously ended up at the same tables at me. Recognized me in large tournaments, Omaha ring games etc. Became a running joke between us on Bodog at least.

Incidentally, the blog and other links aren't mine, but I AM a good writer, or at least my mom says so....

...And of course, it figures, I finally get my 15 minutes on MJ's and it's the one day I didn't check the General Forum. :violin: :sadwave:


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Jul 13, 1999
Clem D said:
Thanks for letting me know!!
now get back to handicapping, clem, and never forget how powerful a tool google is.

they say "i don't know how we got along without the internet", i say i don't know how i got along without google.

goog luck!