In the entire United States of America...


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
A population over 300 million and THIS is the best we can come up with? :nooo: :nutkick :mj10: :s2: :s2: :s2: I feel like i should put a bag over my head like the little icon. Do we suck or what. Eddie Haskell for prez!



Last edited:

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
A population over 300 million and THIS is the best we can come up with? :nooo: :nutkick :mj10: :s2: :s2: I feel like i should put a bag over my head like the little icon. Do we suck or what. Eddie Haskell for prez!




I'll be the first to post it, BEFORE SOME COOK BLINDED BY COLOR AND HATE DOES!!!!

"whats wrong with them, ones old....ones a woman.....and ones black."


And sad as it is to say, I AM NO POLITICAL GENIUS NOR DO I CARE TO BE.......which ever one of these politicians are elected NONE OF THEM WILL BE CONSIDERED A GOOD/GREAT PRESIDENT due to the fact that we are so screwed right now it will take 1 term for sure and maybe 2 terms to get us back on track after being set back 30 or so years by the current administration, across the board....everything from finances(National) to Quality of Life(National)....whens the last time you woke up and didnt look at your new neighbor and wonder what style of life does he/she have or when you go to unfamiliar place worry about something happening to you as an American? In MY EYES all of them would be good canidates because we are leaving and replacing one of the WORSE regimes in the HISTORY of this country:scared :shrug:


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
you have any better suggestions?

these are 3 well-qualified individuals. best election in 12 years.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I'll be the first to post it, BEFORE SOME COOK BLINDED BY COLOR AND HATE DOES!!!!

"whats wrong with them, ones old....ones a woman.....and ones black."


And sad as it is to say, I AM NO POLITICAL GENIUS NOR DO I CARE TO BE.......which ever one of these politicians are elected NONE OF THEM WILL BE CONSIDERED A GOOD/GREAT PRESIDENT due to the fact that we are so screwed right now it will take 1 term for sure and maybe 2 terms to get us back on track after being set back 30 or so years by the current administration, across the board....everything from finances(National) to Quality of Life(National)....whens the last time you woke up and didnt look at your new neighbor and wonder what style of life does he/she have or when you go to unfamiliar place worry about something happening to you as an American? In MY EYES all of them would be good canidates because we are leaving and replacing one of the WORSE regimes in the HISTORY of this country:scared :shrug:

I like this post.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
A population over 300 million and THIS is the best we can come up with? :nooo: :nutkick :mj10: :s2: :s2: :s2: I feel like i should put a bag over my head like the little icon. Do we suck or what. Eddie Haskell for prez!




I feel Hillary would be a big problem. She is a liar. The other 2 candidates are better than Bush, Kerry and Gore imo.

Although I would feel better in the hands of either Obama or McCain than I do today, I prefer McCain partly because of the current Dem control of Congress.

I am concerned that if Obama wins, then the "entitled" poor are going to be supported by middle class families (income b/w 50 K and 250K). I am also concerned about abolishment of capital gains tax, as well as the return to pre-bush estate tax.

My main problem is that neither candidate is strong enough on energy reform. We need to drill now --even to the detriment of the environment --and we need to take the money being wasted in Iraq and place into 'coal to liquids' and nuclear programs. If we do this, and the auto makers play ball in terms of fuel economy, then in a decade our economy will be stronger than ever and we will be much closer to independence from oil producing countries. Otherwise, we will continue to languish imo.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
I'll be the first to post it, BEFORE SOME COOK BLINDED BY COLOR AND HATE DOES!!!!

"whats wrong with them, ones old....ones a woman.....and ones black."


And sad as it is to say, I AM NO POLITICAL GENIUS NOR DO I CARE TO BE.......which ever one of these politicians are elected NONE OF THEM WILL BE CONSIDERED A GOOD/GREAT PRESIDENT due to the fact that we are so screwed right now it will take 1 term for sure and maybe 2 terms to get us back on track after being set back 30 or so years by the current administration, across the board....everything from finances(National) to Quality of Life(National)....whens the last time you woke up and didnt look at your new neighbor and wonder what style of life does he/she have or when you go to unfamiliar place worry about something happening to you as an American? In MY EYES all of them would be good canidates because we are leaving and replacing one of the WORSE regimes in the HISTORY of this country:scared :shrug:

I think for the one party system that we have, the three candidates are about as good as we are going to get.

I disagree that no matter what the next President will be viewed as bad. I actually think the opposite. It's like a sales job. You don't want to be assigned to a territory that historically over-performs because the bench marks are high. A good salesperson knows that the best opportunity is going into a poor performing area.

The benchmark is currently set so low in the American public opinion that there is literally nowhere to go but up. It's a great time for us to have a minority (female or black) President to prove to the doubters of their capabilities. Being a business owner, I will be voting for McCain, but I will not be upset if Obama wins. I do NOT want Clinton as the President.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Am fortunate to be at age I can adapt regardless of who gets in.

--I can continue to work (which i enjoy) and pay taxes--and play stock market--and carry on in general

--or if taxes are raised and more social programs implemented- will go tax exempt route via one of 2 methods--get on the social programs gravy train--wait for interest rates to skyrocket--and get adaquate guaranteed return--with no risk.

I love a challenge--and knowing some here would be footing the tab--would make it that much more enjoyable :)


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
Being a business owner, I will be voting for McCain, but I will not be upset if Obama wins. I do NOT want Clinton as the President.

in the same boat

I won't vote for that part of the ticket. I just can't vote for McCain. I think the Repubs need a good beating. I hope they get destroyed. I don't want it to even be close. This is the best they got? Clean house after the election and get a fvking clue for the next.

Thinking about wearing organic clothes for the next 4 years. :0corn
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