Inadvertant stealing

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Chain Saw

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2003
Can someone explain to me what inadvertantly stealing means? How do you steal something inadvertantly?

Sandy, you've been a bad, bad boy :liar:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
this was obviously a misunderstanding.....the former national security advisor can`t be expected to understand that documents held at the archives and stamped"classified" aren`t allowed to be borrowed like library books....

it was obviously inadvertent because he reportedly went back several times.....allegedly stuffing documents in his jacket sleeves and pants...according to eyewitness reports...

and to trump the obvious misunderstanding,he destroyed some of the documents....multiple copies of documents,it`s being reported...

so he destryed classified documents....inadvertently....the ex-national security advisor.....

obviously a misunderstanding....


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
Amazing, not a word from the left on the board....go figure

Amazing, not a word from the left on the board....go figure

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Berger On The Grill


Scandal: Remember Sandy Berger? He was Bill Clinton's national security adviser. Until Tuesday, he was a top adviser to John Kerry. Now, he's in big trouble.

The former Clinton White House official is being investigated for taking notes and classified documents from the National Archives as he prepared for the 9-11 hearings.

Berger claims he accidentally took the documents, some of which he later threw out. He claims further he wasn't trying to hide anything from the 9-11 commission and would cooperate with any investigation. He blamed it all on "sloppiness."

Sorry, but Berger's bizarre behavior raises many questions. Included among those are some hypothetical ones, such as:

What if President Bush's National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice had done the same thing?

Can anyone seriously doubt the media would today be asking, "What did the president know, and when did he know it"? Or that media pundits would be calling for Rice's resignation?

Yet, the Berger story mainly got covered by the unconventional Web-based media. It was buried in both the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, and got only cursory treatment elsewhere.

Once again, so much for media objectivity.

Of course, Democrats see a GOP plot in all this. But that's a little far-fetched. Berger was caught by National Archives employees stuffing classified documents into his jacket and pants. That doesn't sound to us like the theft was "inadvertent," as Berger says.

With the 9-11 panel's final report due this week, we may never know whether the missing documents would have cast a damning light on Clinton's anti-terrorism efforts.

As the Associated Press reported, Berger discarded "two or three copies of the highly classified Millennium terror report (that) included critical assessments about the Clinton administration's handling of the Millennium terror threats as well as identification of America's terror vulnerabilities at airports and sea ports."

It's hard to have much sympathy for Berger. He's one of many Clinton administration officials who has ripped Bush and his top aides for "incompetence" in the war on terror ? a war we think should have begun under Clinton's watch, but was left to Bush.

Now, the incompetence shoe is on the other foot.

Berger was a top national security adviser to John Kerry. So was diplomat Joseph Wilson, another Clinton appointee, who lied about Iraq seeking nuclear materials in Iraq. See a pattern here?

Kerry hoped to show the Democrats could be tough on national security. Instead, by relying on Clinton administration retreads, he only raised questions about his own campaign's integrity.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Berger has got to be covering something up
for the Clinton Administration.

Maybe he was looking for something else more important in the archives that needed to be emliminated.

Thats the only reason he would take this kind of a chance. He knows what top classified documents are.

Geezz these guys are all crooks and commies.
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Chain Saw

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2003
Isn't the taking of classified information a criminal offense? Punishable by jail time. I think this guy may wind up doing more time than Martha.