Individual records for the *CONSENSUS PICK*


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 27, 2001
Here are the individual records for the month of April.. If you want to keep track for yourself during the entire year.. I will only keep individual records month to month.. G/L everyone..

Al Bundy (2-6) (-4.95 UNITS)
Allnet (8-4) (+2.73 UNITS)
AM2kidZ (3-3) (-2.57 UNITS)
Bandit HVG (11-5) (+5.47 UNITS)
Bama6895 (2-2) (-0.18 UNITS)
betomatix (0-2) (-2.68 UNITS)
Big Daddy (3-6) (-6.42 UNITS)
Big_Mack (10-6) (+2.72 UNITS)
Brandon C21 (3-2) (+0.27 UNITS)
Bryan (4-3) (+0.43 UNITS)
butRnaked (1-3) (-3.30 UNITS)
catdawg (0-1) (-1.00 UNITS)
ChrryBlstr (6-4) (+0.17 UNITS)
cisco (1-0) (+1.00 UNITS)
crookycymru (0-1) (-2.25 UNITS)
countinguy (9-3) (+5.70 UNITS)
Da_Insider (2-2) (-0.72 UNITS)
david patrick (3-3) (-0.16 UNITS)
ddubs (5-2) (+3.55 UNITS)
Dixie (0-2) (-2.68 UNITS)
djv (1-2) (-1.26 UNITS)
DNOMYAR_5791 (4-5) (-3.50 UNITS)
Double Two (8-6) (+2.69 UNITS)
dr freeze (3-9) (-6.93 UNITS)
dude (3-3) (-0.48 UNITS)
dusty duke (0-1) (-1.83 UNITS)
elmer05 (1-1) (+0.18 UNITS)
EMJ32 (1-2) (-1.35 UNITS)
fenceman (1-1) (+0.80 UNITS)
forest (3-3) (-0.28 UNITS)
Frogy (9-5) (+3.18 UNITS)
GangGreen (3-0-1) (+3.50 UNITS)
Geno (5-2-1) (+2.37 UNITS)
giantfandave (4-7) (-4.31 UNITS)
goldcupsports (10-1) (+9.90 UNITS)
Hailmary (3-4) (-2.56 UNITS)
hawkeye (2-1) (+1.38 UNITS)
heleanth (10-5) (+4.68 UNITS)
Icon master (2-5) (-4.65 UNITS)
Innavation (2-4) (-2.76 UNITS)
Jackals (7-6) (-1.63 UNITS)
Jballgame9 (10-5) (+2.44 UNITS)
Jorgesca (3-6) (-4.71 UNITS)
jyapur (2-1) (+1.67 UNITS)
kevinmac_99 (1-2) (-1.00 UNITS)
Kidd?s Korner (1-0) (+1.00 UNITS)
kono22 (7-8) (-2.02 UNITS)
lightning (8-6) (+0.32 UNITS)
Magic_01 (13-3) (+9.53 UNITS)
Man O' Vegas (0-1) (-1.12 UNITS)
MikeMagic (9-7) (+1.40 UNITS)
mgs4bama (5-2) (+3.22 UNITS)
MoDOc (0-1) (-1.00 UNITS)
monkey (8-8) (+1.19 UNITS)
Mr. Mom (1-4) (-3.14 UNITS)
Mr Sports (4-3) (-0.02 UNITS)
mrshoes (1-2) (-1.06 UNITS)
MTROYAL1 (3-5) (-2.44 UNITS)
nakor (0-6) (-7.81 UNITS)
ndnfan (0-1) (-1.58 UNITS)
Needy (4-7) (-5.17 UNITS)
NIEM36 (5-2) (+2.39 UNITS)
nighthorse (2-2) (-0.13 UNITS)
Night Owl (5-5) (-1.43 UNITS)
nostromo (5-7) (-1.23 UNITS)
OWL (5-9) (-4.70 UNITS)
ozball (3-5) (-2.43 UNITS)
PETE (0-2) (-2.24 UNITS)
Pgh Kid (7-8) (-3.73 UNITS)
pplargo (2-4) (-2.30 UNITS)
PRO190 (4-7) (-3.53 UNITS)
pwine (5-8) (-4.98 UNITS)
P3utt (9-6-1) (+2.25 UNITS)
Raiders_1 (3-0) (+3.24 UNITS)
RanderCity (2-4) (-2.31 UNITS)
Ranstl (2-3) (-1.78 UNITS)
renata (1-0) (+1.00 UNITS)
RICEMAN (7-1) (+6.02 UNITS)
ron_texas (3-2) (+0.28 UNITS)
sdrick (1-1) ( 0.00 UNITS)
Scott-Atlanta (6-7) (-2.69 UNITS)
Shamrock (1-2) (-1.73 UNITS)
s.e.c guru (6-7) (-2.63 UNITS)
shultz (7-6) (+0.13 UNITS)
slopitch (1-0) (+1.00 UNITS)
slvrblet (5-6) (-2.04 UNITS)
SmashMouth (7-3) (+3.64 UNITS)
Snake Plissken (3-3) (-0.86 UNITS)
Steel City (1-2) (-2.50 UNITS)
Stewy (1-1) (-0.40 UNITS)
superbook (5-2) (+3.31 UNITS)
Tduji (3-2) (+0.55 UNITS)
Terryray (0-2) (-2.63 UNITS)
Theboundbook (4-2) (+1.59 UNITS)
The Boys (0-3) (-4.17 UNITS)
the_fix_is_on (0-1) (-1.35 UNITS)
The Gator (4-1) (+3.17 UNITS)
THE HITMAN (0-3) (-3.17 UNITS)
TheShrimp (5-2) (+3.62 UNITS)
theWaterBoy (4-3-1) (+0.33 UNITS)
thisisbad (3-6) (-3.67 UNITS)
thunderdoll (8-8) (-2.34 UNITS)
TIME TO MAKE $$$ (8-7) (-2.30 UNITS)
Tito (2-5) (-3.70 UNITS)
TJBELL (1-2) (-1.96 UNITS)
TJ4UA (3-4) (-1.13 UNITS)
WAZZU (0-1) (-1.00 UNITS)
wareagle (6-3) (+2.58 UNITS)
Weasel (3-7) (-4.36 UNITS)
Woody (1-2) (-1.39 UNITS)
YAZ (2-1) (+0.52 UNITS)
yyz (1-1-1) ( 0.00 UNITS)
27th Out (2-3) (-2.01 UNITS)
5H4RKY (5-3) (+0.89 UNITS)
#cruncher (4-1) (+2.81 UNITS)


The Sage
Forum Member
...april positive ind. records in cons. thread....

...april positive ind. records in cons. thread....

...took out all the negatives and put in order by units.... nice job guys. :D

goldcupsports (10-1) (+9.90 UNITS)
Magic_01 (13-3) (+9.53 UNITS)
RICEMAN (7-1) (+6.02 UNITS)
countinguy (9-3) (+5.70 UNITS)
Bandit HVG (11-5) (+5.47 UNITS)
heleanth (10-5) (+4.68 UNITS)
SmashMouth (7-3) (+3.64 UNITS)
TheShrimp (5-2) (+3.62 UNITS)
ddubs (5-2) (+3.55 UNITS)
GangGreen (3-0-1) (+3.50 UNITS)
superbook (5-2) (+3.31 UNITS)
Raiders_1 (3-0) (+3.24 UNITS)
mgs4bama (5-2) (+3.22 UNITS)
Frogy (9-5) (+3.18 UNITS)
The Gator (4-1) (+3.17 UNITS)
#cruncher (4-1) (+2.81 UNITS)
Allnet (8-4) (+2.73 UNITS)
Big_Mack (10-6) (+2.72 UNITS)
Double Two (8-6) (+2.69 UNITS)
wareagle (6-3) (+2.58 UNITS)
Jballgame9 (10-5) (+2.44 UNITS)
NIEM36 (5-2) (+2.39 UNITS)
Geno (5-2-1) (+2.37 UNITS)
P3utt (9-6-1) (+2.25 UNITS)
jyapur (2-1) (+1.67 UNITS)
Theboundbook (4-2) (+1.59 UNITS)
MikeMagic (9-7) (+1.40 UNITS)
hawkeye (2-1) (+1.38 UNITS)
monkey (8-8) (+1.19 UNITS)
cisco (1-0) (+1.00 UNITS)
Kidd?s Korner (1-0) (+1.00 UNITS)
renata (1-0) (+1.00 UNITS)
slopitch (1-0) (+1.00 UNITS)
5H4RKY (5-3) (+0.89 UNITS)
fenceman (1-1) (+0.80 UNITS)
Tduji (3-2) (+0.55 UNITS)
YAZ (2-1) (+0.52 UNITS)
Bryan (4-3) (+0.43 UNITS)
theWaterBoy (4-3-1) (+0.33 UNITS)
lightning (8-6) (+0.32 UNITS)
ron_texas (3-2) (+0.28 UNITS)
Brandon C21 (3-2) (+0.27 UNITS)
elmer05 (1-1) (+0.18 UNITS)
ChrryBlstr (6-4) (+0.17 UNITS)
shultz (7-6) (+0.13 UNITS)
sdrick (1-1) ( 0.00 UNITS)
yyz (1-1-1) ( 0.00 UNITS)


Wait til Half
Forum Member
Jan 8, 2002
Indy Home of Basketball and Racing
Good Job Bandit

Good Job Bandit

countinguy (9-3) (+5.70 UNITS)

Just barely got you edged, that must make me fourth:spotting: :spotting:

Good Luck to everyone!
Thanks for starting this consensus threads Big Mac you got a grandslam for popularity on this!!

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