Well first off I wanna say that in the past I have been somewhat critical of these guys. Well for the NFL contest i put in $1,000 plus $100 cash bonus for a total of $1,100. Well within the past 4 weeks I've been kinda on a hot streak. So I decided to pull out today so I can get a better reduced 7 cent vig at another shop for NHL. Well to make a long story short I made a payout request for $4,700.00. Called accounting this morning spoke to the clerk shot the breeze back and forth for a bit, confirmed my info and somehow Andrew found out it was I on the phone. Well Andrew if you read this CLASS ACT my man. It was a pleasure speaking with you. I will definitely re-up for Baskets in a few weeks. Great CS and Andrew always answered my emails within the hour. Took a couple hours for my request to come in via Neteller. But all is good. I give you guys a big thumbs up, some know how critical I am about certain shops and what not. Anyway Andrew like I said on the phone brother. Replace them BONUSES, with a -107 and you'll have a life long customer.
Just wanted to throw INFINTY a thumbs up!!
Just wanted to throw INFINTY a thumbs up!!