Ink Picks

MB MLB 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
I bought a really strong black felt-tip marker today. Works really good. I started drawing this really bitchin picture of a pufferfish and after a while my hand got tired so I layed down and sniffed the pen for a couple hours. Started feeling really fuzzy and started talking to myself a little but it felt great!! In fact, it got me to thinking about Friday's plays.

Thinking about playing Nucks-Boston parlay and very tempted to throw Av's in there too to make it a tripper-dipper but I'm just too scared of Dallas. Prob throw a unit on it we'll see.

Seems like Naslund and the gang at home score 3 or 4 or 5 goals everytime and they're pretty damn tough on D too. I take 'em at home almost every game and they've been solid prob returning me $$ at least 80% of the time. (Sharkies do that too!! :)..Gonna ride the Nucks tomorrow.

Gonna hope Boston maintains that momentum from Wednesdays game and goes up 2-0. I think if they score 3 goals they'll be ok.

NUCKS--BRUINS parlay .............. no odds yet

may even become a prison pick

Any opinions? ...particularly on the Boston game?