Instant Replay

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Devil Dog

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 1, 2004
Springfield, Ohio
New to this form but have visited this site many times. Have read many excellent posts and football analysis. Hope I can contribute in some small way. Now.....
Instant replay: As most of you know the Big Ten will probably institute instant replay this year after studing the possibility last season. A study found out that 15-20 calls would have been overturned; it also showed 4.1 flaws per game. A bad call by the officials can cost you a BCS game Vs. going to a secondary bowl. There is a good artical on this by Matt Hayes of the Sporting News. I like the ideal of instant replay as long as it has guidelines that are fair and doesn't bog the game down.
My Mother always told me "Son the truth will set you free"
Best wishes
Devil Dog


Forum Member
Aug 31, 2003
New Jersey
Will these replays be asked for by the coach, the refs onfield, or the booth upstairs?

Haven't read much about this so I'm curious what the process will be. Also, will they limit the amount of replays in one contest. College football games are very long as it is, this could drag it out even further.


Forum Member
Dec 8, 2001
from what I hear, it would be by the coaches, like the way the NFL does. I'm sure it could only help the game, because I don't know if its just me, there have been some terrible calls from officiating crews, especially the Big Ten crews
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Forum Member
Aug 31, 2003
New Jersey
From the coaches makes a lot of sense, as long as limit the number of challanges much like the NFL does. I'm all for getting the calls right at the sacrifice of time, as long as they are crucial or game altering calls. Nothing worse than taking 5 minutes to correct a ticky-tack call that is the difference of a few yards in the second quarter.

By the way, welcome to the board Devil Dog
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Forum Member
Dec 8, 2001
Associated Press
INDIANAPOLIS -- The NCAA Football Rules Committee has recommended that instant replay be used on an experimental basis during Big Ten conference games in 2004.

The proposal must still be approved by the NCAA championships/competition cabinet for Division I. A date for the cabinet to consider the matter has not been set, the NCAA said in a release Wednesday.

The Big Ten proposed the use of instant replay to the rules committee, spokeswoman Sue Lister said.

The conference collected data on conference officiating during the 2003 season and presented it to league coaches, who unanimously endorsed the experiment last month, Lister said.

Under the proposal, all games between Big Ten schools will be played with the experimental rule.

Nonconference opponents who play televised games in Big Ten stadiums would have the option to play with replay.

The experimental system would use only those replays provided by the league's broadcast partners. Not all Big Ten games are televised.

A technical adviser assigned to each game by the conference's officiating department would be the only person able to request a replay and render a judgment. However, they will be prohibited from requesting replays of specific plays or shots from specific camera angles.

If approved, other proposed committee rules could be recommended for implementation nationwide in 2005.

Those changes include having referees announce player fouls and stopping play immediately if the offensive team prevents the defense from making timely substitutions.