One Sentence Perfectly Describes The Quandary On Three Continents ?
The ultimate award for candor and honesty must go to Jean-Claude Junker (Prime Minister of Luxembourg) who apparently said ?
"We all know what to do, we just don't know how to get re-elected after we have done it."
That say's it all.
You can post that in any bubble coming out of any politicians mouth, well, maybe. For some, maybe most, I really do not think they know what to do.
The ultimate award for candor and honesty must go to Jean-Claude Junker (Prime Minister of Luxembourg) who apparently said ?
"We all know what to do, we just don't know how to get re-elected after we have done it."
That say's it all.
You can post that in any bubble coming out of any politicians mouth, well, maybe. For some, maybe most, I really do not think they know what to do.