Interesting yet puzzling question......

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Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Freak here.........Got a Buddy of mine, we'll call him Chad for the sake of conversation, who has a dilema. He has been seeing this lovely young lady for a couple of weeks now and has been presented with an uncomfortable situation....No not anal sex you perverts but a question of a different sort. This young lady and my friend have came to the point in their relationship were sex has become an issue. Well Chad ( for the sake of the conversation ) has been trying to " Go Down " if you know what I mean.....and has discovered that her personal hygene is lacking down south! How do you go about asking a young lover such as herself to " clean it up " so to speak! I mean the guy loves to snack but has a real weak stomach and can not handle the aroma of the region. So with that being said any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and I will pass this info along to him so this situation can be resolved!

Bluemound Freak


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Dec 22, 2001
Nashville, TN
I would suggest that you give her a dozen golf balls for HER pop on Fathers Day and casually slide in a gift certificate for Massengils that you convienently found that she might could use sometime :shrug:

Keyser Soze

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Jan 20, 2000
I have found in my many years DJ'ing in Titty bars that, just as people have chronic halitosis, there are girls who aren't going to be that fresh no matter what they do........There are some great products out there such as the Vagisil foaming wash and the FDS sprays not only smell good, but they don't taste all that bad either.......The real problem here is how he would go about telling this person. You cannot be too indirect or it will be ineffective. A great way to "throw it out there" would be to make a little shopping run for a couple of bathroom essentials together. Go to a Target or some place that has a wide range of products. As "Chad" is gathering his toiletries, soap, toothpaste, etc....He will be meandering right on through the feminine hygeine section. Grab a can of the FDS and say, "A girl I used to date used this stuff, and I love the way it smells."........He will definately get a reaction, although there are many ways it can go, he will not seem like a rude bastard and he has broken the ice about the whole subject matter. This is where he needs to be strong. She will most likely in about two or three questions ask him how he feels about her situation. If he doesn't say it now, it will never happen. ....."I really enjoy taking care of you down there, and if there is anything that can make my time spent there a little more pleasurable, I think we should certainly explore those possibilities."......If she is reasonable at all she will realize that she has a problem and he has been very kind in his way of approaching the subject, and may even take it a step further by asking if there are any other things he may want to try. "Well, let's take a look around here." You are now a team on this subject and now is the time to grab the Vagisil foaming wash and say, "Hey, we may as well grab this as well while we're here."......If the worst happens, and she just plain freaks out (which I highly doubt), then this is not a chick that Chad should be spending a great deal of time with any way...........I'm telling you guys, and you won't beleive it, but honesty is the best policy, and it will be appreciated. The chick I'm dating now has the above mentioned items and she doesn't even have a bad "situation", but she is always asking me if there are any other things she can do, or trying different fragrences. She just told me 3 days ago about how she just turned her roommate on to the FDS and she in turn told her friend and now they are all using it. You don't want to smell like ass, so believe me, chicks don't either.........Let me know how it works out for "Chad".

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Is there any " Home Remedies " that can be used to correct this problem. I know that there is a constant balance of bacteria that are primarily there to prevent foreign debris from setting up infection and such. But is there some reason that this particular female has this problem? I know this person very well and know she bathes regularly so why would this be the case? Are some women predisposed to having this sort of affliction? Is there anybody that has a logical scientific explanation? Please poor little buddy is stressing over this and does not want to hurt her feelings by saying something cruel like "hey....go wash that thang"!

Seeking help and advice
Bluemound Freak

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Thanks for the reply the way if you see Verbal Kent you tell him he still owes me twenty bucks! I'm sure "Chad" will appreciate the information, it seems you have this subject figured out!

Bluemound Freak

Keyser Soze

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Jan 20, 2000
One more thing...........Not trying to be too "dirty", but even the cleanest girls can get a yeast infection, which would certainly put off a stank.......It is usually accompanied with some visible white goo. This too can be fixed. They even have one day fixes out, as well as the three day fix, but that is something that will not get better on it's own. I think it's Monistat with the one day fix.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
What's wrong with a nice soak in a warm bath? Let the water do it's thing, baby!

Now, the very first gal I did this with, was absolutely rancid! And she took showers on a regular basis, but it's not the same as a tub.

I suggest he dumps her, as there are plenty of "fish-less" in the sea!:D


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
It would seem that most odors from Le Femme Pusse', are caused by either poor hygiene, or infection.

Most medical studies have shown that douching does absolutely nothing, and can actually destroy the bacteria that help fight off infection.

If your gal keeps herself clean, yet still has a little ripeness in the celler, you might want to have her see the doc.

Keyser Soze

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 20, 2000
Hey Blue........Mr. Kobiashi said he will be happy to settle up with you as soon as you get him a list of your relatives.

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama is a partial list!

Billy the rat

Johnny Longwood

Slick Willey

Stinky coot Johnson


Chief Stinky Butt ( he's from the NOWIPEE tribe )

Get back to me!


Dirty Foot
Forum Member
Mar 13, 2002
Okay fellows, lemme see if I can help out on this one. In most cases if a woman is experiencing an odor "downstairs", it's due to a vaginal infection such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. Yeast doesn't usually cause odor, just miserable itching and vaginal discharge. The over-the-counter products for yeast, such as Monistat, aren't going to help with these other infections.

Using feminine sprays or douches, while aesthetically pleasing, actually can aggravate the problem by destroying the beneficial bacteria that help to maintain things down there, allowing the others (whose byproduct is the funk) to proliferate. Treatment is a simple antibiotic called Flagyl (metronidazole). Unfortunately, many women are too embarassed to acknowledge the odor to their doctor between annual exams and, thus, don't get treated until their yearly check-up.

Until your friend is comfortable enough in their relationship (once they've passed the farting in front of each other stage) to discuss it with his lady, I'd recommend that he suggest they take a shower or bubble bath together as a lead-in to their lovemaking. Wish him luck!


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Who cares? Don't go downtown. I mean its nice that "Chad" really likes this girl, but I like fishing too but that doesn't mean I eat the crap. If you can't put it in a frying pan without it stinkin up the kitchen DON'T EAT IT! Is it just her body breath that stinks or is it the whole package? What about the neighbor next door? Have you taken a bar a soap and a washcloth to her house? Or won't she let "Chad" knock on that door?
Actually if you approach this reasonably and level headed....I still can't see a reason not to take action. If the poor girl has a problem than I believe as a friend you should inform, oops I mean "Chad", should inform her. Is "Chad" sure its not a man? You really need to pull a hygiene inspection prior to getting in so deep. I mean Beavers may taste like Pumpkin Pie but that doesn't mean I will eat the nasty son of a gun. Tell "Chad" to buck up and tell this gal about the slurry of stink she has going on and take one for the team!!!!!


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Jan 16, 2001
This post reminds me of a story of a friend of mine. He had a rash on his private part and it got so bad he had to go to the doc. He thought he got it from his girlfriend, come to find out the doc told him he had athletes foot fungus on his pepe. I laughed my ass off. The doc said he had the fungus on his feet and he must have touched his feet then touched himself causing it to spread. It must have taking monthes to finally go away but it was a pretty funny topic for awhile.


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Jul 13, 1999
when i get 3 or more of these, "Report this post to a moderator", it's time to end the thread.

sorry to those who are interested in this topic and sorry to those that were offended.

sometimes this job can be hard SIB
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