InterLeague Play - Natural Progression of the Game or Marketing Hype - Opinions?

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Forum Member
Mar 4, 2001
Summerville, SC
You know...I'm sure a lot of this forthcoming rant has to do with the fact that interleague play has not been too kind on my bankroll (for yet, another year) and therefore I'm just in a plain ol' foul mood. But then again, maybe some of it speaks from the heart of fan who once revered the major league game of baseball of years gone by and all that it at one time represented.

Hate to admit it, but I?m old enough to remember when winning your league?s pennant really meant something. When playing another team outside your league meant you were in the World Series. When teachers brought radios and TVs to class so you could tune in to the game. When it seemed so odd to watch the strategies and play of a team from ?the other? league playing a team from ?your league?. Where?s the drama in that now?

Now, part of me realizes, of course, that Major League Baseball is a business; and from a business perspective, interleague play has probably done what it was intended to do?boost revenue and ratings. And maybe the real source of my angst about baseball (and all professional sport in general for that matter) is generated by that clash of business goals and the purity of the heart of the game itself.

But I don?t know?I still don?t like it. To me, it smacks of marketing smarminess rather than the heat of competition. To this fan, it tarnishes the historical legacy of baseball and the special place the game has held in the hearts of so many. I almost want to ask, what?s next?cheerleaders? (I can see the MLB business exec?s wheels turning now??say, bet we could pick up the contracts of a few XFL babes for a song?.)

But then, I?m sure there are others who don?t hold this point of view. I?m sure there are baseball historians that can point to several changes that the game has gone through and make the argument that this is just another part of the natural progression of the game.

Whatever view others may hold?I?d be interested in hearing them. And again, I?m not talking from the handicapping perspective (although, that?s cool if you want to throw that in too), but more from the perspective of being a fan of the game itself.

If you?ve got a minute, I?d love to hear what you think.




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May 26, 2000
I started losing respect for the game when my back then favorite team moved to LA. There's always been changes and there always will be whether we like it or not.


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Feb 5, 2001
Interleague doesn't bother me.
I kinda like it 'cause my AL team gets to play a few games without the DH.
The DH does bug me.
And yes, there's more hype all the time.
Now you have mascots, screens flashing, speakers blaring, commercials, taped music, and a PA announcer who sounds like an AM radio DJ.
But, since they went on strike and cancelled the series and didn't fix anything, none of it matters that much anyway.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 4, 2001
yes! exactly!

if they concentrated more on keeping and making the GAME more interesting they wouldn't need all the fluffy lights and glitter and noise!

and that goes for football and hockey too!

if wanted to listen to 10 seconds of Bruce Springsten every 2 minutes i would stay home and put my 300 CD changer on auto-scan.

anyway, we're getting off topic here. i used Nolan Dalla's system for the first two weeks of baseball on the interleague action, (you know the one where you play the road dogs until they win doubling up on a loss). and that worked out OK for me. i kinda saw the interleague action and the beginning of the season action as very similar.

i suck at keeping records though.

hey, does anyone have an excel spreadsheet to share?


Call me TIB
Forum Member
Jun 14, 2001
Tuscaloosa, AL
Prospect, you need someone to help keep records for ya? That system you just described, or you got something new?

Let me know.