Investing the Juice - 7 Game Parlay Theory


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
Invest the Juice - 7 Game Parlay Theory

This theory is honor of Nolan Dalla. Nolan puts in a lot of hard work when finding the winners each week, but he also works just as hard, if not harder, in trying to find a system that gives us, the players, an advantage over (or at least evens the odds against) the house. His Goldman system theory is proof of that. In the end, the answers to the origin of the universe maybe easier to obtain than the answers to the science of sports wagering, but since we have the questions it is our duty to try and answer them.

As a disclaimer, what you are about to read is not for the faint of heart, as I attempt to unlock the benefits of the 7 game parlay. Unlike Nolan, I have not tested or observed my theory using past plays, and outcomes and I do not recommend this theory without more research being done.

If you have read this far, then you are not a gambler that only opens a thread to look for a team to add to your list of plays. It?s funny though that those same threads were the catalysts that started my thinking process on this theory.

Although this theory was drafted with football in mind there is no reason that it could not be applied to other sports. I do believe that football gives the best advantage because it gives more games to play and more time to study. Also, in the end a common sense interpretation is used, which does weaken my theory. Now would be a good time to start into the body of the theory before I lose anymore readers.

The theory starts with the concept of - Investing the Juice - On even odds we all pay it, and that?s the way it will always be. Instead, if we said, "Okay bookie, I?m going to hand over the extra $10 but if I hit all of my games you pay me an extra $920.00. Before I go on, the reason that I started thinking about this is because, here at MadJacks you can wander around the threads and find someone who had a 5,6,7,8 and 0 weekend. They are out there, albeit not every weekend and not every handicapper. This next section will layout the numbers and ideas behind the numbers that will be analyzed in the end.

The numbers I used were for a person that wagered $110 on 7 games a week for a 16 week season. The wager is a flat $110 a game and does not include playing more money on one game and less on another. Betting 7 games a week for a 16 week season would mean 112 wagers are placed a season. Betting $110 a piece on the 112 games would equal a stake amount for the year of $12,320. A week you would wager $770 to profit $700 or a year you would wager $12,320 to profit $11,200. This will be referred to as the conventional style. To review

$110 a game
7 games a week
16 weeks in a season
112 games bet on
$12,320 stake amount
$11,200 maximum profit margin

My proposal is to wager 6 games at $110 and the 7th at $100. The extra $10 that was removed would be played in a 7 game parlay (odds ~92/1) This would mean wager $760 a week to profit $691 and a wager of $10 to profit $920. If you include the parlay wager but throw out the $920 potential profit margin, at the end of the year you still have wagered $12,320 but reduced your potential profit margin to $10,192 a season. The difference between $11,200 and $10,192 is $1,008, ($9 a week)which is a large difference, but this is the maximum difference there would be if you hit all 112 games. And who?s going to complain about a grand if they go 112 for 112. Now the two season winning percentages that I pulled were 53..5% and 54.5%. 53.5% was used because I can round the number of games won to 60 (112* 53.571428571% = 60) I used 54.5% to get to 61 wins and show the difference between winning one extra game (Of note - I also need that extra game from the 54.5% to draw my weakened common sense conclusion) This will be referred to as the parlay style. To review

$110 a game on 6 games
$100 on the 7th game (Order is not important just needs to be 1 of 7.)
$10 on the same 7 games in a parlay
7 games a week
16 weeks in a season
112 games bet on
16 parlays played
$12,320 stake amount
$10,192 maximum profit margin excluding parlay profit margin

By investing the juice once a week on a 7 game parlay, we turn 770/700(conventional) into 770/1611, or it could be viewed as 760/691 and 10/920. Of course the odds are stacked against you but on the flip side, the weekends in the past that you have gone 7-0 (although still rewarding) always leave you with the what if questions. They do creep into all of our heads regardless of what anyone might say. In number terms, the risk here is $160 a season that on one weekend out of 16 you?ll hit all 7 games. For the sake of the reader I?ll get to the chart that will allow you to draw your own conclusions.


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX

Numbers in the actual return w/ parlay and profit/loss w/ parlay are based on the $100/$91 being at least one of the wins.

W/L Stake Actual Profit/ Conve- Profit/
Return Loss ntional Loss
w/ Parlay w/ Parlay Return Conventional
0-7 770 $0 -$770 $0 -$770
1-6 770 $191 -$579 $210 -$560
2-5 770 $401 -$369 $420 -$350
3-4 770 $611 -$159 $630 -$140
4-3 770 $821 +$51 $840 +$70
5-2 770 $1031 +$261 $1050 +$280
6-1 770 $1241 +$471 $1260 +$490
7-0 770 $2371 +$1601 $1470 +$700

Again this was assuming that the $100 bet was a winner in every scenario except 0-7. That means that the only win w/parlay on the 1-6 record paid out $191 bucks. As silly as it is to think that you could go 7-0 every week it is also silly to assume that your $100 bet will win every week. Looking at the chart shows that when you go 1-6 through 6-1 and the 100 bet is a winner, you will lose $19 that week and that $19 would have been won during the conventional betting style. Since we are going to make 16 $100 bets, that tells us that the maximum that we could lose from the conventional style is 16*$19 = $304 in a season. Every time your $100 bet loses then we take away $19 from the $304 and the possible amount you could lose moves to $285. Flipping a coin during the season would mean that you would likely (win 8 of the $100 bets) lose $152 in a season from wagering this way.(instead of winning $152 the conventional way) That?s $152 out of a possible profit margin of $10,192.00. If this is reading clearly you might be able to figure out the answers to the origin of the universe. Before I go into the $1601 profit on a 7-0 week with parlay we?ll look at the numbers for a season with a winning percentage of 53.5% (60 wins)

53.5% winners ( again we are assuming that $100 bet wins 16 times)
(also assuming without a 7-0 weekend)

Games Wins Stake Return Profit/
Amount Loss
Conventional 112 60 $12,320 $12,600 +$280

w/ Parlay 112 60 $12,320 $12,296 -$24

>Difference -$304

54.5% winners ( again we are assuming that $100 bet wins 16 times)
(also assuming without a 7-0 weekend)

Games Wins Stake Return Profit/
Amount Loss
Conventional 112 61 $12,320 $12,810 +$490

w/ Parlay 112 61 $12,320 $12,506 +$186

>Difference -$304

The point here again is that the $304 difference is because all 16 of the $100 bets won(16 of 60 and 16 of 61). If that is not the case then the Profit/Loss margin between conventional and w/ parlay becomes tighter. There?s your risk, you?re punished when the $100 bets win and at least one $110 bets lose a week.

The reward -
The hope here is that you have one week out of the year that you can pull off the 7-0 weekend. We?ve all had those streaks, where the stars seemed to be aligned all right or all wrong. Jump on the wagon or fade me. The key is, we seem to get back up or down to the magical 40-50 something percentile. We?ve also all picked 7 winners in a row before. Why not come up with a system that rewards us for having a great weekend without a risk of putting us in the poor house. With this theory above, you still win on a 4-3 and better weekend and you still lose on a 3-4 and worse weekend (No units figured in)
But, if you go 7-0

53.5% winners ( again we are assuming that $100 bet wins 16 times)
(also assuming one 7-0 weekend)

Games Wins Stake Return Profit/
Amount Loss
Conventional 112 60 $12,320 $12,600 +$280

w/ Parlay 112 60 $12,320 $13,216 +$896

>Difference +$616

54.5% winners ( again we are assuming that $100 bet wins 16 times)
(also assuming one 7-0 weekend)

Games Wins Stake Return Profit/
Amount Loss
Conventional 112 61 $12,320 $12,810 +$490

w/ Parlay 112 61 $12,320 $13,426 +$1106

>Difference +$616

and if you pulled off another 7-0 weekend you would add another $920 to the profit and the gap widens to +$1,536 from $616.

Weekly it goes like this

Numbers in the actual return w/ parlay and profit/loss w/ parlay are based on the $100/$91 being at least one of the wins.

W/L Stake Actual Profit/ %
Return Loss Payout
w/ Parlay w/ Parlay
0-7 770 $0 -$770
1-6 770 $191 -$579
2-5 770 $401 -$369
3-4 770 $611 -$159
4-3 770 $821 +$51 6.6%
5-2 770 $1031 +$261 33.9%
6-1 770 $1241 +$471 61.2%
7-0 770 $2371 +$1601 207.9%


Conventional style
W/L Stake Conve- Profit/ %
ntional Loss Payout
Return Convent
0-7 770 $0 -$770
1-6 770 $210 -$560
2-5 770 $420 -$350
3-4 770 $630 -$140
4-3 770 $840 +$70 9.1%
5-2 770 $1050 +$280 36.4%
6-1 770 $1260 +$490 63.6%
7-0 770 $1470 +$700 90.9%

Before I ramble on, this theory was using the $110 bettor, but easily applies to the $11 and $1100 bettor.

In the end, it comes down to picking winners. 53.5% and 54.5% are not given percentages. If they were, it would not be called gambling, it would be called investing. My common sense conclusion is that the ever shrinking $304 dollar difference between the conventional and parlay oriented styles of wagering is a small enough risk in a 16 week season to try the Invest the Juice theory.

The problems with my own theory.
1. While coming up with this theory I was thinking that the parlays would be mixed with NCAA and NFL games and picking 7 out of that lot. Basically you would have 50 NCAA games and 15 NFL games to pick 7 out of. Once the seasons stop coinciding then picking 7 winners out of a smaller lot becomes more difficult.
2. If I drop it down to a 10 week season the thoughts of having one week that I pull 7 winners out of 37 wins a season (53.5%) looks a lot tougher than pulling 7 winners out of a 60 wins a season (53.5%) The numbers might be the same, but psychologically it?s not very reassuring.
3. The odds on a seven game parlay are 92 to 1 for a reason
4. Money Management is still the best bet for long term gambling

I hope this was as fun to read as it was to think up. Hopefully there are some more systems out there brewing in the MadJack group.


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
WL Stak PAR A-R Parl P-L Con A-R Con- P-L
0-7 770 $0 -$770 $0 -$770
1-6 770 $191 -$579 $210 -$560
2-5 770 $401 -$369 $420 -$350
3-4 770 $611 -$159 $630 -$140
4-3 770 $821 +$51 $840 +$70
5-2 770 $1031 +$261 $1050 +$280
6-1 770 $1241 +$471 $1260 +$490
7-0 770 $2371 +$1601 $1470 +$700

WL = won/lost
PAR A-R = Parlay Actual Return
Par P-L = Parlay Profit / Loss
Con A-R = Conventional Actual Return
Con P-L = Conventional Profit Loss


......................Games Wins Stake ..Return...... Profit/
......................................................Amount..... Loss
Conventional 112 ......60 $12,320 $12,600 ...+$280

w/ Parlay ......112 ......60 $12,320 $12,296 ....-$24

>Difference -$304


....................Games Wins Stake... Return ..Profit/
........................................Amount.............. Loss
Conventional 112 ....61 $12,320. $12,810 +$490

w/ Parlay ......112 ....61 $12,320 .$12,506 +$186

>Difference -$304


.....................Games Wins Stake ....Return... Profit/
.........................................Amount ................Loss
Conventional 112 .....60 ..$12,320 $12,600 +$280

w/ Parlay ......112 .....60 ..$12,320 $13,216 +$896

>Difference +$616


.....................Games Wins Stake .....Return ...Profit/
..........................................Amount ................Loss
Conventional 112 .....61 ..$12,320 .$12,810 ..+$490

w/ Parlay ......112 ....61 ...$12,320 ..$13,426 +$1106

>Difference +$616


......................Return .....Loss .......Payout
....................w/ Parlay w/ Parlay
0-7 .....770 ......$0 .........-$770
1-6 .....770.... $191....... -$579
2-5 .....770.... $401....... -$369
3-4 .....770.... $611....... -$159
4-3 .....770.... $821....... +$51 ........6.6%
5-2 .....770.... $1031....... +$261.... 33.9%
6-1 .....770.... $1241....... +$471.... 61.2%
7-0 .....770.... $2371....... +$1601.. 207.9%


Conventional style
W/L... Stake..... Conve-............ Profit/ .............%
.........................ntional.............. Loss .............Payout
.........................Return ................................Convent
0-7 .....770 .........$0............. -$770
1-6..... 770 .........$210......... -$560
2-5..... 770 .........$420 .........-$350
3-4..... 770......... $630......... -$140
4-3..... 770 .........$840 .........+$70 ..................9.1%
5-2..... 770 .........$1050......... +$280 .............36.4%
6-1..... 770 .........$1260......... +$490 .............63.6%
7-0..... 770 .........$1470 .........+$700 .............90.9%


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 15, 2002
I don't think you need to think of it as "investing the juice".

Simply put, what you've done is bet 6 teams for $110 a piece. You have $110 left with two choices. Either lay the $110 on team A, or lay $100 (to win 91) on team A, and use the remaining $10 to bet a parlay.

Or, you could say you've bet $760 on 7 teams, you have $10 left and you're trying to decide what to do with it: either put a little extra on team A or play a parlay.

So really, all you're asking is "is it better to bet my $10 on team A or put it on a parlay?"

If you can pick games at a 54.5% clip, you're about 70-1 against hitting the 7-team parlay, so you could easily go for several seasons without ever cashing in. I don't think I've EVER had a 7-0 weekend and I've been betting football for 12 years.

So, for me, I stay away from them, but if you're going to kick yourself that weekend you go 7-0 and hadn't played it, then go ahead and put your $10 on the parlay.
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