Iowa Caucus in-game thread

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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
I see Edwards making a very populist speech. It sounds like Obama's key note address at the 2004 Democratic Convention. Very stirring to the populist base.

It sounds like a victory speech, but he's in 2nd or 3rd.


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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
Why does Hillary's speech make me want to gag? She needs some new writers, or something. Its just loaded with hackneyed expressions. And those flat, dishwater utterances, with the monotone delivery. Ouch. She drones, "This country deserves everything we can give it." Okay.


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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
Huckabee is on now. There's Chuck Norris behind him. I guess he backed a winner.

Huckabee is a good public speaker. Wow, so much better than Hillary. Too bad he doesn't believe in evolution, huh? He is a moving, and convincing, orator...guess its easy to see why he won tonight.
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Why does Hillary's speech make me want to gag? She needs some new writers, or something. Its just loaded with hackneyed expressions. And those flat, dishwater utterances, with the monotone delivery. Ouch. She drones, "This country deserves everything we can give it." Okay.


the funniest thing I seen was when Hillary laughs and gives the thumbs up to someone in the crowd. Like she is even looking at anyone person. Its fake and that is who she is with her 100 million.

and Bill standing behind her with a chit eating grin giving the thumbs up ?

Thank the Lord America will see through the Clintons and not allow that to happen again.

had me worried though

I like Obama and would vote for him

I like Huckabee too.

Long way to go and a short time to get there.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Huckabee is on now. There's Chuck Norris behind him. I guess he backed a winner.

Huckabee is a good public speaker. Wow, so much better than Hillary. Too bad he doesn't believe in evolution, huh? He is a moving, and convincing, orator...guess its easy to see why he won tonight.

"contacted at his girlfriend`s house,bill clinton was unavailable for comment"... :rimshot

caucus in-game? stuff,j.c.....

he`s a baptist minister....guess that`s excellent training for this sort of thing....

this caucus thing is confusing...particulatrly the democratic first i thought that caucus was the plural of ca-ca.......:shrug:

my take....huckabee 36 per cent and
paul 10 per cent...for a total of 46 per cent (or half) of republicans in iowa who are insane....this is why i say the party is dead...

at least we can have some fun while the bell tolls...

i was considering setting up an online poll with a "ron paul" option, so all the paulistinians had to stay at their computers flooding it....then i was gonna sneak up into the 9/11 troofer thread and wreak havoc while they were busy......:142smilie

but,it`s 11 pm here....a little late for hi-jinks....

i still say hillary`s a shoe-in...even though i don`t dislike obama....i loved it when he was dancing that time on t.v....he looked alot like david byrne from "the talking heads"???? remember... the skinny guy in the really big suit?
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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area

the funniest thing I seen was when Hillary laughs and gives the thumbs up to someone in the crowd. Like she is even looking at anyone person. Its fake and that is who she is with her 100 million.

Yes. She is using all the buzz words, etc ...just like the focus groups are saying. :142smilie

And that Huckabee line about "long way to go and a short time to get there," sounds like the lyrics from that song in "Smokey and the Bandit."
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Mar 14, 2001
even though i don`t dislike obama....i loved it when he was dancing that time on t.v....he looked alot like david byrne from "the talking heads"???? remember... the skinny guy in the really big suit?


Obama has an edge in that he has such a short voting history to dissect. I thought Hillary (who is my personal choice) was a shoe-in for the Dem nod but today was a reality check for that. Personally, I'm fine with either; I just want a Dem that will win the general election. But Obama surprised me today.

Toledo Prophet

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Oct 5, 2005
Toledo, Ohio

the funniest thing I seen was when Hillary laughs and gives the thumbs up to someone in the crowd. Like she is even looking at anyone person. Its fake and that is who she is with her 100 million.

and Bill standing behind her with a chit eating grin giving the thumbs up ?

Thank the Lord America will see through the Clintons and not allow that to happen again.

had me worried though

I like Obama and would vote for him

I like Huckabee too.

Long way to go and a short time to get there.

If Americans weren't able to see through W, what makes you so confident they'll see through Hillary?
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"

Obama has an edge in that he has such a short voting history to dissect. I thought Hillary (who is my personal choice) was a shoe-in for the Dem nod but today was a reality check for that. Personally, I'm fine with either; I just want a Dem that will win the general election. But Obama surprised me today.

obama surprised alot of people....this may be the kind of win that can propel a candidate....

did anybody hear the scuttlebutt about some of the lower rung dem candidates maybe "confabbing"(is that even a word?) about shifting their support to obama?....

now,thats something hillary really needs to be concerned about...


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Mar 14, 2001
maybe "confabbing"(is that even a word?) about shifting their support to obama?....

I read that elsewhere, although it appeared to be little more than rumor (but could be true). The way Iowa is set up -- and correct me if I'm wrong here -- only the top three get delegates, so people who initially vote for someone outside of the top 3 can redistribute among the top 3. I read two guys, one of them being Richardson and the second escapes me at the moment, asked supporters to switch to Obama if they weren't in the top 3. The Richardson thing is perplexing to me because I figured he would be an absolutely ideal VP for Hillary if she were to get the nomination.
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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
This just in...

This just in...

...polls are now closed in South Florida...tonight's Orange Bowl results...all precincts reporting...Kansas 24...Virginia Tech 21...

Toledo Prophet

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 5, 2005
Toledo, Ohio
obama surprised alot of people....this may be the kind of win that can propel a candidate....

did anybody hear the scuttlebutt about some of the lower rung dem candidates maybe "confabbing"(is that even a word?) about shifting their support to obama?....

now,thats something hillary really needs to be concerned about...

I am not a member of either party, but I follow them both.....many on the Dem side are miffed about Hillary and her ilks attitudes about the 2006 mid term election. She was not really in favor of the 50-state strategy that put D candidates in races where allegedly they had little chance. Funny thing is they won many of those races and took over the legislature. She obviously wanted to party to maintain in 2006 and instead wanted to focus on the 2008 White House race. Many feel had she forked over some of her war chest to the cause in 2006, they would have seen greater gains. In a format like Iowa, that has come back to haunt her because within the competing camps, like Edwards and Obama, there are stong A.B.H (anybody but hillary) contingents who were more than ready to throw support to another rival not named Hillary.

Will that carry over to the more normal primaries? Who knows, but you can bet that Cllinton's ops will be out there driving up the negatives of Obama the way W's ops did the same to McCain in 2000 after he beat Bush in Iowa and NH. I hope Obama has legs personally as I could not be impressed any less by the entire republican slate....and, as for Hillary, if she is elected we could be looking at 28 straight years of either a Bush or Clinton in the, I liked Bill ok, but clearly many on the right have a deep seated hatred toward all things Clinton and we really need a break from the incompentent Bush dynamic and arrongant Clinton dynamic and the intense dislike that spins off from both.

Just my two cents.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Glad you liked it, gw. It's sorta like a big bowl game, eh?

i don`t think all that many really give a damn.....but,for guys like us,it is kinda` like gambling or`s competitive....lots of drama...

i`m getting a weird vibe outta` the repub. gut says that huckleby is a memory by february(he won this because of the bible thumpers in iowa)....but,a couple states down the line we get south carolina,which has it`s share of fund.,he might actually have some legs...

rudy may be done before he even gets started.....

thompson`s outta money....

i think that new hampshire might actually mean something...lets see how huckleberry does in secular new hampshire...looks like a battle royal between mccain and romney in nh and the winner gets a huge goose heading on down the stretch...

we`re gamblers...nobody knows the outcome....ya` gotta love it...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
btw..toledo...i apologize for fouling your "caucus" thread up with my snarky comments toward `wocky ...

i like to nudge my buddy every now and again...he`s got a terrible temper...:mj07:

Toledo Prophet

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 5, 2005
Toledo, Ohio
GW: Not a problem.....did not think anything of it.....hey, looks like I went 2-0....damn, should have put some dough on it for real as it was easier to pick than, say, the Orange Bowl....stupid Hokies!


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Will that carry over to the more normal primaries? Who knows, but you can bet that Cllinton's ops will be out there driving up the negatives of Obama the way W's ops did the same to McCain in 2000 after he beat Bush in Iowa and NH. I hope Obama has legs personally as I could not be impressed any less by the entire republican slate....and, as for Hillary, if she is elected we could be looking at 28 straight years of either a Bush or Clinton in the, I liked Bill ok, but clearly many on the right have a deep seated hatred toward all things Clinton and we really need a break from the incompentent Bush dynamic and arrongant Clinton dynamic and the intense dislike that spins off from both.

Just my two cents.

agree totally , well thought out
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I see Edwards making a very populist speech. It sounds like Obama's key note address at the 2004 Democratic Convention. Very stirring to the populist base.

It sounds like a victory speech, but he's in 2nd or 3rd.

the speech did have some substance...

edwards: "yes, first i shampoo, then i rinse.... then i shampoo again".......
