Irag/Afghanistan Strange.


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Nov 4, 2000
Bin and the gang from 9/11 we are told came from training bases in Afgan. Bin most wanted and hated person. Terror was on the lose in Afgan. So why we send 20000 troops there. But 150000 to Iraq. What a plan. I guess we can see why were not done either place. And who is shipping the most drugs out around the world. Of course there coming from Afgan. Why? See above. And this adminastration says give us four more years becasue we know what were doing.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
It's called one of 2 things:

a) Bad Strategy
b) Alterior Motive

I won't assume either, but it doesn't make me feel any better either way.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
DJV Since you are always reading I assume you noticed all the big boy terrorist that went down this week.Another biggy today compliments of the Saudi's. 1st do you feel any safer or did you prefer them on the streets.
Now what revelations has French and Germany come with? So who do you figure are our chief allies against terror?--and would they be there had we not invaded afgan and Iraq or would things have continued like it did in past adminstration.Which do you prefer??
In one of your posts you made comment (as did other liberal sources)that new alert was timed to aid Reb campaign.
I think that has been proven quite wrong--however the point is that the liberals raised hell Bush didn't do enough prior to 911 then when they do their job,it is for political reasons. With attitude like that it is impossible for him to please the left regardless of which way he goes. Right?


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Mar 14, 2001
DJV Since you are always reading I assume you noticed all the big boy terrorist that went down this week.Another biggy today compliments of the Saudi's. 1st do you feel any safer or did you prefer them on the streets.
Now what revelations has French and Germany come with? So who do you figure are our chief allies against terror?--and would they be there had we not invaded afgan and Iraq or would things have continued like it did in past adminstration.Which do you prefer??
In one of your posts you made comment (as did other liberal sources)that new alert was timed to aid Reb campaign.
I think that has been proven quite wrong--however the point is that the liberals raised hell Bush didn't do enough prior to 911 then when they do their job,it is for political reasons. With attitude like that it is impossible for him to please the left regardless of which way he goes. Right?

DTB- I have to respond to this. Why is it that people that are opposed the the Iraqi invasion are big fans of France and Germany? I applauded France's decision to oppose the invasion, because I felt it was bullshit as well, but I still think French leadership, particularly that dude in charge (Chirac???), is an absolute moron. Some of the things he's said since then are just obsurd. However, I do have to give credit to the French for openly appluading Americans on the D-Day anniversary in June (something I never saw posted about here). They openly said they don't like Bush, but still respect America for their actions then. Say what you want about them now, and like I said, I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you, but I appreciate the fact that they appreciate what my grandfather and everyone else involved there did 60 years ago.

But honestly, do you really think people like me, that opposed the invasion of Iraq, are unhappy that terrorists are caught?

I still feel we are less safe because the Iraq invasion created an atmosphere of hate there. And because there is little-to-no education there, the moron kids see Americans invading their country and decide they are going to do everything to kill them because they are told to by a few influential, warped people. Of course it's nice to have Middle Eastern allies against these horrible people, but I still feel we'd be facing less of them if we'd focused on the terrorist orgs themselves, particularly after 9/11, rather than invading a country that had never attacked us.

And your continued comments about "liberal sources" and the "liberal media" just grow old. I'll admit that I'm biased as I work as a journalist, but I keep hearing about this liberal media bias and I just don't see it. The editorial department of the last paper I worked for was essentially a free six-day-a-week advertisement for the Republican party. I don't know.... I just don't see it.

Remember, when we all go to bed at night, we're all still Americans... we're all still on the same "team". It's something I try to remind myself when I get pissed as some right-wing statement, but regardless of our political perspective, no one wants to see airplanes hi-jacked and crashed into buildings or something similar. Sometimes I think it's a shame that we bicker away they way we do, but then again, that's what makes us American.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Your points well taken Thank You

However my point was not that French were against war and thats makes them bad but rather the fact that Arab countries make MUCH better and productive allies in fight against terrorism and Kerry's point of re-alligning with the french and germany is of little consequence IMHO in this war on terror.My point is where would we be if we sided with them vs going in and establishing what has proved to be very effective allies right on the terrorist doorstep.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
If our coalition had a bigger tent who know's we may even have more in jail even capture Bin him self. We just got into a big hurry with Iraq. We forgot to finish Afgan first. So now were bogged down in both. By the way those arrested yesterday did not happen because of any info from Iraq or Afgan.
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