The walls are falling down all around us but somehow we got guys till this day, trying to sell us that the economy is just fine. The best part is these same guys will vote the same way. You would think they were to embarrassed to admit this. These type of people are a cancer to this country. Insanity at its finest. Its like a game to them. No matter if the country goes down the toilet and they are paying record prices for healthcare, gas and food, they much rather win an election so they could brag that they were right. Meanwhile the country suffers another four brutal years and other country's just shake their heads wondering how we could be this dangerously misinformed. Look no farther then that creep Phil Graham (a Mc Cain guy and still is,)for most of this mess as he snuck in a bill to deregulate these banks but somehow they have the gullible thinking the gov't has to stay out of the way. If you don't have crooks the Gov't should stay away but we are loaded with greedy croaks so they need to regulate. I hope a lot of these neo con thinking whack jobs are now starting to lose their jobs so when they go to the unemployment office, they can cry foul and blame the democrats for this mess. When you vote for a moron because you are a moron, you deserve to be unemployed while this crook will hide out on his ranch in a few months, knowing that him and that other thief got their money out of this mess, no matter who else suffers. These people are the scum of the earth and couldn't care less if soldiers are dying or people are suffering. This scum made out like bandits and will never be held accountable because the clowns on the right, with one bank after another falling apart, are somehow conned into thinking its the fault of the Democrats. You just can't make shit like this up.