The people on these sub-committees looking down on the decisions of the Board of Directors (Is there anything more hypocritical than politicians taking the moral highground?). The only thing the politician's care about is hearing themselves talk and have no real understanding of any of the issues at hand. Pulling out the documents that Andersen happened not to shred and taking Andersen's word as gold because they made statements under oath.
This whole thing is a joke and a huge waste of everyone's time. As long as there are snakes in the world without integrity, this sh&t's gonna happen. They know who the crooks are (Lay and Duncan and their immediate staffs) and they still are looking for other people to blame.
This whole thing is a joke and a huge waste of everyone's time. As long as there are snakes in the world without integrity, this sh&t's gonna happen. They know who the crooks are (Lay and Duncan and their immediate staffs) and they still are looking for other people to blame.