Is anyone watching these Enron hearings?


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
The people on these sub-committees looking down on the decisions of the Board of Directors (Is there anything more hypocritical than politicians taking the moral highground?). The only thing the politician's care about is hearing themselves talk and have no real understanding of any of the issues at hand. Pulling out the documents that Andersen happened not to shred and taking Andersen's word as gold because they made statements under oath.

This whole thing is a joke and a huge waste of everyone's time. As long as there are snakes in the world without integrity, this sh&t's gonna happen. They know who the crooks are (Lay and Duncan and their immediate staffs) and they still are looking for other people to blame.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
lol.....every one of those politicians was funded by enron bigtime both republicans and democrats and there are few who have the courage to stand up and speak the truth.....

not everyone is responsible but those who are should be bent over in a prison somewhere......

i actually think that Ken Lay is quite innocent in all of this....granted the buck stops with him but i think a lot of stuff was done under his nose.....and he is the guy who is getting demonized the most.....

that is how things usually work though......the most criminal of the bunch will skate while the buck will pass to someone who has little to do with what happened....


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
In California, our totally crooked governor who sold out the taxpayer's big-time to the energy companies (surprise - big donators to both parties) has now discovered to his shock that Enron and others apparently manipulated the energy market to their advantage! Wow - who would have imagined that! Out here, energy prices went up anywhere from 40 - 110 times what they were in previous years at certain times due to unexpected down times, etc. Now, they discover that the companies involved, to the shock of the governor and his cronies, may have been behind the skyrocketing prices that wiped out the budget surplus and created record deficits. Enron is right there in the forefront.
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