Is it better to win or to earn?


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
or how I learned to stop worrying and love confusion.

If I hit some longshot lottery then that is, no doubt, a win and nothing has been earned.
(barring a higher power's involvement, perhaps)
However, if I slog away at some handicapping and uncover some angle that permits me
to slay a few lines then I can arguably have earned such profits; this win could be deemed
to be more than just lucky and maybe the resources spent earning it (including time) are
responsible for this income.
Of course, there's the possibility that this interpretation could be wrong and whatever strategy
I employed to earn any such advantage might end up costing me over time.

Alas, this isn't a philosofishy examination of handicapping processes but a response to
the following weird sentence that I read about 1800 seconds ago, plus or minus:

A recent report by the International Forum on Globalization said the Koch brothers could win $100 billion in new profits if the Keystone pipeline is completed.

(I'd prefer to just italicize but this new site format is going to take more time to figure out
then I'd like to spend, presently)

If you're in business and you make a profit then don't you 'earn' it?
Why the use of the word 'win'?

There was some Orwell talk--in another thread--and maybe this investment of your time
(indulgence of mind) was caused by my once reading Orwell's Politics and the English Language,
or maybe some other nurture is to blame.
Responsibility seems to be as ambiguous as does interpretation.

I have too much time on my hands.
I miss baseball.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 7, 2001
Long Island
Hey Mike why not do both, do some earning and do some winning.
Whatever makes you happy brother.
Surprised you don't like hockey if I lived in canada I'd be crazy about the sport.
Especially with all the lunatic hardcore loyal hockey fans up there.
Great album that volume 4 and on the inside sleeve of the LP which I have it says we wish to thank the great COKE company of los angeles.

:0074 :0008


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
Hey Mike why not do both, do some earning and do some winning.
Whatever makes you happy brother.
Surprised you don't like hockey if I lived in canada I'd be crazy about the sport.
Especially with all the lunatic hardcore loyal hockey fans up there.
Great album that volume 4 and on the inside sleeve of the LP which I have it says we wish to thank the great COKE company of los angeles.

:0074 :0008

word on the hockey shiite (cookie bombs)
Doing okay this season. Tough calls on a lot of stuff but I find that playing
the regulation -0.5 is paying off quite well. i.e. why lay -160 when you can play
a regulation win at +100.

I used to big a big Leafs fan, but I recovered.

Beyond that, I must to be going out.
Thank Hendrix I'm not driving.

p.s. I'm not sure about the Coke refererence.
I don't touch the drink, anymore.
Used to drink these big 1.3 litre 'big gulp' thingees from 7-11.
But I recovered.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 7, 2001
Long Island
word on the hockey shiite (cookie bombs)
Doing okay this season. Tough calls on a lot of stuff but I find that playing
the regulation -0.5 is paying off quite well. i.e. why lay -160 when you can play
a regulation win at +100.

I used to big a big Leafs fan, but I recovered.

Beyond that, I must to be going out.
Thank Hendrix I'm not driving.

p.s. I'm not sure about the Coke refererence.
I don't touch the drink, anymore.
Used to drink these big 1.3 litre 'big gulp' thingees from 7-11.
But I recovered.

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Just a heads up they sabbath weren't talking about the drink if you know what I'm saying. Love these vids brother keep them coming. Hey floyd yes floyd have you seen Sid lately kinda lost touch with him.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
Just a heads up they sabbath weren't talking about the drink if you know what I'm saying. Love these vids brother keep them coming. Hey floyd yes floyd have you seen Sid lately kinda lost touch with him.

Hey, you crazy Greco-Persian, (or so wikiwastoid claims--I thought it was just Greek),
I posted the best thing that I could come up with relating to confusion.
The disk contains the track Snowblind, but I am unaware of the Wheels tune having anything
to do with Koch, Coke or several species of small furry animals gathered together in a cave
and grooving with a pict.

And, to be perfectly honest, I never had a fucking clue what a pict was before 14 seconds ago
(+/- however long this BS takes). Apparently some tribe from Northern Scotland or Northern
England, depending on whatevas KFC's funeral might believe.

BTW, Syd died long before I got my cat.
At least she has good taste in music.

pre-s. the studio track, off of Journey, is much better.
Too close to perfect, actually, IMO, if I don't slay.

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Someone I spoke to tonight tells me that 'win' is not such an uncommon occurence in
such situations. Apparently, if whatevas contract is in doubt and it furthermore comes through
then said recipients of cashola can be deemed to have won the coin, as opposed to merely(?!?)
having earned it.
Shows (some of) what I (don't) know.
This aging cretin was allegedly a chief financial offingher at both Cadillac unFairview and
Tri-asImay-zec Corp, a couple of monster real estate firms up here in the snowy-boonies
(before Al, at least--keep up the good work, you Gorey-funk).

I should leave before the temptation to haul some more Jack prevails.
I can't believe it's not Canadian.

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