I didn't play last night's game or tonight's so I think I can be fairly objective here. I guess I'm taken back by the effort (or lack thereof) of what are supposed to be some of the elite team's in the NFL. Can someone help me here? Last night the Raider's looked like a high school team,and I thought that was pathetic. That was until tonight. The Eagles have me more than perplexed. I mean the Raider's were in the Super Bowl last year,and the Eagles were in the NFC Championship game. They are both playing an opponet that you woulf think as a professional you would be pumped to play. They are on both on national televsion,and the Eagle's are breaking in a new stadium for crying out loud. I tell you what, this is just my opinion,but professional sport is at an all time low. I mean across the board. I could go on for day's as to why I believe they have sunk to this level but I'm sure it would start an arguement,with someone,but pro sport is really worse than I've ever seen it .:bsflag