Eddie Haskell said:Corporate America, without government restrictions, has done the following:
Permitted banks and financial institutions to charge upwards of 30% interest on credit card purchases;
***Who is forcing us to get these credit cards? my credit card is free if i pay my debt on time...plus i get money back!!!!*****
Permitted, in essence, monopolies to form in the banking industry (notice the number of banks shrinking in your respective cities) as well as the media (ie. clear channells dominance and control of markets);
****interest rates are at an all time low....not sure what the ramifications of this imagined monopoly are*****
Sent American jobs overseas to increase profits and lower labor costs;
****new markets open up overseas, more money is made in America as a result, more money to be spent and CAPITALIZED upon.....productivity increases at a reduced rate....the consumer wins****
Permits the insurance companies to practice medicine by dictating to medical care provider which procedures, tests, and other practices will be paid for;
*****buy a different policy....use your economic power -- consumer decision making*****
Has purchased government officials through lobbyists to ease foreign restrictions on overseas business (ie. Clinton and the banana tariffs);
****similar to what trial lawyers have done****
Has destroyed America's reputation in the world by forcing its way into countries where it is not wanted in order to expand sales;
Enron, Tyco, Halliburton, etc.
****did i miss these wars? or did sovereign nations accept them?*****
This country is now run by corporate America. As stated above, its only interest is the bottom line, shareholder satisfaction and more profits. It could care less about the future of this country.
You can thank President Bush for the foregoing. If not creating the environment, then enhancing it. Despite the fact that he directed the deaths of some 25,000 + people, the foregoing economic reasons alone are sufficent reasons to indict him.
If you aren't shocked, you are not paying attention.
*****opinion again*****
good piece Ed