Is playing for home field a real motivator?


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Aug 21, 2001
Mt. Prospect, IL
The public and media swear it is, but I say no way. Have you ever heard a player talk? They believe it is 100% about talent. They feel the best talent will always win, regardless of where. The real motivator is playing to get to the playoffs. After that its all gravy. I've seen too many examples where the team "playing for home field" ends up letting down.


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Oct 6, 2000
miami, fl.
good point.

one possibility is that the home team gets overconfident, complacent like (we can always come back, etc.) notice that many visiting upsets come from aggressive play from the start by the visitor, putting up a couple of quick tds, whereas the home team will play it cool, just waiting for things to develop.

many times a coach can outsmart a better team, which i supposed will have a lot of weight on the coming playoffs.

i would say it's a wash: the good team/coach should prevail, whether at home or away.


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Sep 16, 2000
marin county california
I'm not even sure playing for the playoffs is a real motivator, at least not ATS. Look at the Lions last year vs Bears in week 17. Teams that are in a true win-or-out situation and are underdogs are still a good bet, but otherwise so-called must-win teams have been poison for many years. I personally look to fade all but the literal must-win underdogs, as there's plenty of value to be had. Not much pickings this year, so maybe the public is catching on and the pendulum will swing back.


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Nov 14, 2001
oakland, CA , USA
I really think that coaching has so much to do with winning, and if a good coach has a good team well then that's all you can really ask for. A really prime example of coaching is Bill Parcels, he went to NE and turned that franchise around got them into the Super Bowl in a short time. Then he left and look where they ended up the next season. Not only does the coach have to get his team ready and prepare them but above all he must have their trust and respect. I can remember back when the late George Allen was in the commentating booth with the best running back ever to play the game Jim Brown, and you could just listen to the way Jim Brown talked to George Allen that he had the upmost respect for as he always called him "coach". That really says a lot.


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Jan 19, 2001
Gahanna, OH USA
I think in the Rams' case it does. In the Rams' championship season the Rams had homefield and see it as a definite advantage for their fast break O. They have to be thinking about the alternative which could be a frozen Soldier Field. This alone will push them to light up the Falcons.


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Nov 15, 2001
I think owners Make much more money if the game is in their stadium as opposed to away with concessions and parking, etc. so it wouldn`t surprise me if a few bonuses were given out to gain that advantage. Just an opinion.

Good luck everyone in the playoffs.



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Sep 26, 2001
hillsdale, mi. 49250 USA
I think it makes a huge differance in certin conditions, example Green Bay in jan is a huge advantage for GB just ask TB. Arrowhead is a place no team likes to play, why? Given the plays this year with all visiting teams coming with wins makes for a good ? your asking but like I said certin conditions will definatly make for better play from a team.


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Aug 21, 2001
Mt. Prospect, IL
I'm not saying GB or Chicago in January isn't a big advantage just like nobody want to go into St Louis to try and beat the Rams. What I'm saying is the players seem to downplay home field and feel its all about talent and ability.


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Nov 13, 2001
Nepean, ottawa, canada
YES and NO it depends on the team.

If the Rams already had clinched home field al through the playoffs they may not be motivated to beat Atlanta this week.

However since they haven't clinched yet, they know they have a huge home field edge at home with the fast carpet, so they have a motivational edge to beat Atlanta good.

Take Oakland this week if they lose everyone will say home field advantage was no big deal, as they weren't motivated, but the truth is that there just not playing well. It's a talent and execution issue.

If Oakland wins everyone will say they wanted home field very bad, not true they just happened to outplay the Jets and execute on the field.

These are 2 different scenarios of how home field can be a motivator.


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Nov 8, 2001
It matters somewhat. Why would you want to travel somewhere else if you could play at home. But it is not life or death.
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