Is Shaq shooting Illegal Free throws?

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Feb 1, 2000
Deltona, Florida, USA
Let me start this out by saying I have made a lot of money off of the Lakers this year. In fact they are one of the teams that I've used to keep my head above water. I would not call myself a fan of them, I just like to wager for and against them in certain spots. I mention this so as others will not think that I am bitter towards the subject because I really am not. The question I am posing is this....

Aren't the majority of Shaq's free throw shots Illegal?

As Shaq shoots a free throw, his body carries him to step across the free throw line and on to the floor before the ball ever reaches and touches the rim or the backboard. Does anyone else see this and is this still supposed to be Illegal resulting in loss of shot and no point given if the basket is made?

If so, I guess it's fair to say the ref's are giving Shaq different treatment because of his past history of poor free throw shooting.

Any comments or replies are appreciated.


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
Mr roommate commented on the same thing.

Technically you are correct and Shaq does shoot illegal free throws. As a shooter you can't go over the line until the ball hits the rim. Will they ever make that call, never.

Another thing that is universially accepted is taking two steps after picking up your dribble and then just pivoting. The technical rule is that you are allowed two steps after picking up your dribble, but you must shoot, pass or jump (like attempting a layup). This should be called a travel but it has become common place for all players on most every level.
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Oct 17, 2001
Northern Wisconsin
We've discussed Shaq's free throw shooting in our group as well. When we watched him, we couldn't say for sure if he stepped across the line before the ball touched the rim or if he did just as the ball touched the rim.

I think for the most part, he is legal, although sometimes it is very close.

hello there

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Jul 17, 2001
They don't want the player at the free throw line going after the shot after he shoots it, that's why this rule is in place, NOW, the reason why they are letting Shaq or anyone else go is because he is not actually attempting to go after his ball after he shoots it. I know it's still illegal, but it doesn't have as much to do with the rule, but how the rule is being taken advantage of. ;)


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Jan 27, 2001
austin, tx,usa
cuban has been saying the same thing for the last few months and even submitted video to the league office--not sure what ever happened after he made these comments but i thought a couple of o neal's free throws looked questionable as well
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