Is this citizen a douche or hero?


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Nov 12, 2000
Arlington, TX
He's a dick head. Cop should have kicked his ass then throw him in jail just for fun. Annoying piece of shit.


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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Yeah, I guess you're right because we all know that allowing police departments a certain level of operation which is outside the law always works out for the best.

I don't know about the guy's "behavior" as a whole, it was just a video. He seemed to me to be polite and respectful from what I saw.

Police officers are still citizens correct? Police departments are still civil services as far as I know. Last I checked both still have to obey the law and are governed by constitutional, civil, and criminal law. It's unfortunate that some seem to think they're exempt.

I don't agree with that mentality. I have seen plenty of posts on this site where police are questioning, or harassing someone in a video. The majority of the comments are usually how the individual should have shut their mouth and complied with the officer and none of that would have happened, etc.... Same shit here.

I'll never understand why or how so many people are willing to forfeit their rights. I just don't get it. I'm not willing to do that.

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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Yeah, I guess you're right because we all know that allowing police departments a certain level of operation which is outside the law always works out for the best.

I don't know about the guy's "behavior" as a whole, it was just a video. He seemed to me to be polite and respectful from what I saw.

Police officers are still citizens correct? Police departments are still civil services as far as I know. Last I checked both still have to obey the law and are governed by constitutional, civil, and criminal law. It's unfortunate that some seem to think they're exempt.

I don't agree with that mentality. I have seen plenty of posts on this site where police are questioning, or harassing someone in a video. The majority of the comments are usually how the individual should have shut their mouth and complied with the officer and none of that would have happened, etc.... Same shit here.

I'll never understand why or how so many people are willing to forfeit their rights. I just don't get it. I'm not willing to do that.

Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk

Again, showing that you prefer to live in a world without rules. It can't/work that way. There has to be a level of authority and that authority should be obeyed or we get chaos.

When a cop questions you or asks for your ID, and he has the authority to do that, why is it a big deal to you that you should have to produce your ID (which I believe it is illegal in all 50 states to not have ID on you)? Just because you feel like someone is infringing on your rights? No, you just don't want to be told what to do.

You hate authority. You want zero rules and zero accountability. Society can't work that way.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Again, showing that you prefer to live in a world without rules. It can't/work that way. There has to be a level of authority and that authority should be obeyed or we get chaos.

When a cop questions you or asks for your ID, and he has the authority to do that, why is it a big deal to you that you should have to produce your ID (which I believe it is illegal in all 50 states to not have ID on you)? Just because you feel like someone is infringing on your rights? No, you just don't want to be told what to do.

You hate authority. You want zero rules and zero accountability. Society can't work that way.

It is not a law that you have to produce your ID when asked just like you don't have to roll your window down if driving, you don't have to submit to a search. None of that is legal. As a matter of FACT it is illegal for an officer to threaten you with citation or arrest of you don't present it. In short, police do not have the authority to make you present I.D., nor is it illegal not to have it on your person. They can't walk into your house or shoot your dog in the back yard either.

I don't hate authority at all. I hate abuse of authority. The law applies to the police too you know! Washington state laws requires that their patrol cars must be marked. So mark the fucking patrol car like you're fucking supposed to! I'm the one arguing to follow the rules and I want to live without rules? There isn't two sets of laws for cops and then everyone else.

I in no way said any such thing about living without rules. On the contrary, I specifically stated that everyone, police included, have to live by the rules. You're goddamn right I have a problem presenting my I.D. for no reason. It's my CIVIL RIGHT not to be infringed upon. Would you hand over your guns to Obama if he asked and you possessed some? Of course not, because maybe that right is important to you. Just because you see things differently than I doesn't mean I want anarchy and chaos, fuck.

If others want to live in a police state, there are plenty of places to do just that.

Did you know that in the 60's Iran was a progressive country. Women wore skirts and showed their legs, then the government was overthrown and sharia law put in place and the people either succumbed or died. Now women in Iran get stoned to death, gang raped and killed for falling in love with a shiite.

You want to rollover and speak on command, go right ahead, just don't tell me I have a problem because I want to place a higher value on my protected civil liberties.

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The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
Yeah, I guess you're right because we all know that allowing police departments a certain level of operation which is outside the law always works out for the best.

I don't know about the guy's "behavior" as a whole, it was just a video. He seemed to me to be polite and respectful from what I saw.

Police officers are still citizens correct? Police departments are still civil services as far as I know. Last I checked both still have to obey the law and are governed by constitutional, civil, and criminal law. It's unfortunate that some seem to think they're exempt.

I don't agree with that mentality. I have seen plenty of posts on this site where police are questioning, or harassing someone in a video. The majority of the comments are usually how the individual should have shut their mouth and complied with the officer and none of that would have happened, etc.... Same shit here.

I'll never understand why or how so many people are willing to forfeit their rights. I just don't get it. I'm not willing to do that.

Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk

Agree with everything above - except, fuck that guy in that video.
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