He's neither. He's a citizen obeying the law.
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It's one thing to be a citizen obeying the law and another to behave and act like that guy.
Yeah, I guess you're right because we all know that allowing police departments a certain level of operation which is outside the law always works out for the best.
I don't know about the guy's "behavior" as a whole, it was just a video. He seemed to me to be polite and respectful from what I saw.
Police officers are still citizens correct? Police departments are still civil services as far as I know. Last I checked both still have to obey the law and are governed by constitutional, civil, and criminal law. It's unfortunate that some seem to think they're exempt.
I don't agree with that mentality. I have seen plenty of posts on this site where police are questioning, or harassing someone in a video. The majority of the comments are usually how the individual should have shut their mouth and complied with the officer and none of that would have happened, etc.... Same shit here.
I'll never understand why or how so many people are willing to forfeit their rights. I just don't get it. I'm not willing to do that.
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Again, showing that you prefer to live in a world without rules. It can't/work that way. There has to be a level of authority and that authority should be obeyed or we get chaos.
When a cop questions you or asks for your ID, and he has the authority to do that, why is it a big deal to you that you should have to produce your ID (which I believe it is illegal in all 50 states to not have ID on you)? Just because you feel like someone is infringing on your rights? No, you just don't want to be told what to do.
You hate authority. You want zero rules and zero accountability. Society can't work that way.
Yeah, I guess you're right because we all know that allowing police departments a certain level of operation which is outside the law always works out for the best.
I don't know about the guy's "behavior" as a whole, it was just a video. He seemed to me to be polite and respectful from what I saw.
Police officers are still citizens correct? Police departments are still civil services as far as I know. Last I checked both still have to obey the law and are governed by constitutional, civil, and criminal law. It's unfortunate that some seem to think they're exempt.
I don't agree with that mentality. I have seen plenty of posts on this site where police are questioning, or harassing someone in a video. The majority of the comments are usually how the individual should have shut their mouth and complied with the officer and none of that would have happened, etc.... Same shit here.
I'll never understand why or how so many people are willing to forfeit their rights. I just don't get it. I'm not willing to do that.
Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk
Agree with everything above - except, fuck that guy in that video.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to The Joker again.
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