we have the technology to be able to anchor devices similar to the ladders that firemen use, were they can be extended from another building into the affected one. maybe a giant or several nets, anchored to other buildings. there are so many possibilities. the idea is to save as many lives as possible.
the upper part of the building from where the fire is would be a different matter. there probably is some kind of solution, we just need to re-assess building safety and evacuation options.
i trust this terrible tragedy will make us find ways to solve this in the future, as tall building are all over our major cities.
i personally worked at the wtc a few years ago for a short time, and honestly, the ride in the elevator, the fact that sometimes they went crazy, stopped in between floors, etc., gave me the creeps. what a hopeless final moments for those unfortunate who were trapped with no hope, just like the ones in the airplanes. God, i still can't get over it, even as far as i am from nyc. God bless their souls.