It Ain't Kentucky But....


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Jun 18, 2002
Mass. economy growing at twice the rate of US
The Massachusetts economy, boosted by demand for technology products, expanded in the third quarter at twice the rate of the US, the University of Massachusetts reported.

The state's economy grew at an estimated 3.4 percent annual rate in the three-month period ended September 30, compared to a preliminary estimate of 1.6 percent nationally, UMass reported. It was the second consecutive quarter in which state economic growth outpaced the nation, and the third straight quarter of solid growth above a 3 percent annual rate.

Wage growth, meanhwhile, has been strong, helping offset rising energy prices and a weakening housing market, said Alan Clayton-Matthews, the UMass-Boston professor who did the analysis. Based on withholding taxes collected by the state, per-worker wages rose 4.7 percent over the past year, twice the rate of inflation for that period, Clayton-Matthews estimated.

"The state has experienced the strongest growth since the recession," Clayton-Matthews said, "lifted by worldwide demand for its technology and science-based products."
(By Robert Gavin, Globe staff)

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Mass. economy growing at twice the rate of US
The Massachusetts economy, boosted by demand for technology products, expanded in the third quarter at twice the rate of the US, the University of Massachusetts reported.

The state's economy grew at an estimated 3.4 percent annual rate in the three-month period ended September 30, compared to a preliminary estimate of 1.6 percent nationally, UMass reported. It was the second consecutive quarter in which state economic growth outpaced the nation, and the third straight quarter of solid growth above a 3 percent annual rate.

Wage growth, meanhwhile, has been strong, helping offset rising energy prices and a weakening housing market, said Alan Clayton-Matthews, the UMass-Boston professor who did the analysis. Based on withholding taxes collected by the state, per-worker wages rose 4.7 percent over the past year, twice the rate of inflation for that period, Clayton-Matthews estimated.

"The state has experienced the strongest growth since the recession," Clayton-Matthews said, "lifted by worldwide demand for its technology and science-based products."
(By Robert Gavin, Globe staff)

Stevie i have worked with a few guys from Mass (carpenters union)and everyone of them loved the Kennedy's. Ted gets such a bad name but when its time to ponying up for the american worker nobody lay's their neck on the line like him. To bad the people like DTB can't see thru Fox's bullshit and like a guy for what he does for Americans instead line himself with people who try to screw americans every chance they can. He will cry foul about something that only had an effect on a few people but stand next to a guy like Neil Bush who was up to his neck in a savings and loan scandal that stole money from many including elders. its amazing how well and economy can be when you invest in your very own people.


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Amazing how you can have BOTH economic growth and wage growth. How could that possibly happen in Tax-a-chu-setts with those onerous minimum wage laws that are higher than the Federal level?


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Hmm somehow once again you failed to post link where you got these facts--maybe you could help us--Unlike BBC who latches on every liberal blog like a tick--I did search on--
Massachusetts economy growing at twice the rate of US
---and this is all I could find remotely covering subject---and I can't get any more biased in your favor than Boston Globe.

Tech sector spurs state's economic recovery
Mass. software, hardware firms growing, hiring
By Robert Gavin, Globe Staff | October 16, 2006

Massachusetts' economic recovery has gathered momentum in recent months, and there's a good reason: The technology sector is back.

After enduring a brutal shake out at the beginning of the decade, Massachusetts hardware and software companies are once again growing and hiring. No one is calling it a boom, but analysts say a healthy expansion is underway, providing a much-needed spark to the Massachusetts economy.

Employment in professional and business services, comprising a variety of tech firms, has grown a healthy 2 percent in the last year, twice the rate of overall employment growth in Massachusetts, according to the state Department of Workforce Development. Makers of technology products are bucking the trend of job losses in manufacturing and adding jobs -- more than 3,000 in the last year. Massachusetts tech exports are surging; foreign sales of semiconductor manufacturing and testing equipment nearly doubled in the past year.

Technology has long driven the state's economy. The two technology-dominated employment sectors, professional and business services and manufacturing, account for about one-fourth of state employment, but they capture only a small part of the industry's impact because it increasingly reaches into areas from pharmaceuticals to financial services. High-tech machinery, instruments, components, and similar products account for nearly 60 percent of the state's exports.

Demand for technology workers, meanwhile, is growing. The state's most recent survey of job vacancies, at the end of 2005, showed openings for information technology occupations jumping 13 percent from a year earlier. Monster Worldwide Inc. , which operates the job-matching web site, reported last month that on line job postings for IT workers grew 10 percent in Greater Boston over the year.

GLOBE GRAPHIC: Spending and jobs in technology

The Federal Reserve found in a recent survey of businesses that the supply of technical workers in the Boston region is shrinking to the point of companies boosting wages as much as 15 percent.

``It's not 2000, but it's also not 2001," said Larissa Duzhansky, regional economist at Global Insight of Waltham, referring to the tech boom and bust years. ``The sector has grown at a healthy pace and it's continuing to recover well."

Certainly, the state's technology sector faces a long road to recovery. Professional and business services so far have regained only about half the nearly 70,000 jobs the sector lost in the last recession. Tech manufacturing, which also shed about 70,000 jobs, has recovered only about 5 percent.

But analysts and industry officials add that today's technology industry is different from that of the dot-com craze, when it seemed any company with an Internet domain could attract millions of dollars from investors, regardless of whether they had profits or even products. Today's sector is more diverse and better grounded financially, reaching across an array of markets and technologies.
However you have made strides since getting a republican governor--are you smart enough to keep him. :)

P.P.S. My opinion-- your future will lie in healthcare industry ;)

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Hmm somehow once again you failed to post link where you got these facts--maybe you could help us--Unlike BBC who latches on every liberal blog like a tick--I did search on--

Now i ask you why would the BBC care about what liberal blogs think? This again was a Fox creation you run with because you can't think for yourself. Is it possible that liberal blogs and the BBC are a bit closer to the truth than the misguided stuff you listen to? Did you ever buy those Bill Oreilly pillow cases or bed sheets? How about the door mats? When Bill reads his emails did you ever wonder why the last email is him trying to prostitute one of his projects? Is there any chance you could do a search for me and find out who that last emailer is every night? The one who is always fond of his tie, suit, or his books. Thanks


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Hmm somehow once again you failed to post link where you got these facts--maybe you could help us--Unlike BBC who latches on every liberal blog like a tick--I did search on--
Massachusetts economy growing at twice the rate of US
---and this is all I could find remotely covering subject---and I can't get any more biased in your favor than Boston Globe.

Tech sector spurs state's economic recovery
Mass. software, hardware firms growing, hiring
By Robert Gavin, Globe Staff | October 16, 2006

Massachusetts' economic recovery has gathered momentum in recent months, and there's a good reason: The technology sector is back.

After enduring a brutal shake out at the beginning of the decade, Massachusetts hardware and software companies are once again growing and hiring. No one is calling it a boom, but analysts say a healthy expansion is underway, providing a much-needed spark to the Massachusetts economy.

Employment in professional and business services, comprising a variety of tech firms, has grown a healthy 2 percent in the last year, twice the rate of overall employment growth in Massachusetts, according to the state Department of Workforce Development. Makers of technology products are bucking the trend of job losses in manufacturing and adding jobs -- more than 3,000 in the last year. Massachusetts tech exports are surging; foreign sales of semiconductor manufacturing and testing equipment nearly doubled in the past year.

Technology has long driven the state's economy. The two technology-dominated employment sectors, professional and business services and manufacturing, account for about one-fourth of state employment, but they capture only a small part of the industry's impact because it increasingly reaches into areas from pharmaceuticals to financial services. High-tech machinery, instruments, components, and similar products account for nearly 60 percent of the state's exports.

Demand for technology workers, meanwhile, is growing. The state's most recent survey of job vacancies, at the end of 2005, showed openings for information technology occupations jumping 13 percent from a year earlier. Monster Worldwide Inc. , which operates the job-matching web site, reported last month that on line job postings for IT workers grew 10 percent in Greater Boston over the year.

GLOBE GRAPHIC: Spending and jobs in technology

The Federal Reserve found in a recent survey of businesses that the supply of technical workers in the Boston region is shrinking to the point of companies boosting wages as much as 15 percent.

``It's not 2000, but it's also not 2001," said Larissa Duzhansky, regional economist at Global Insight of Waltham, referring to the tech boom and bust years. ``The sector has grown at a healthy pace and it's continuing to recover well."

Certainly, the state's technology sector faces a long road to recovery. Professional and business services so far have regained only about half the nearly 70,000 jobs the sector lost in the last recession. Tech manufacturing, which also shed about 70,000 jobs, has recovered only about 5 percent.

But analysts and industry officials add that today's technology industry is different from that of the dot-com craze, when it seemed any company with an Internet domain could attract millions of dollars from investors, regardless of whether they had profits or even products. Today's sector is more diverse and better grounded financially, reaching across an array of markets and technologies.
However you have made strides since getting a republican governor--are you smart enough to keep him. :)

P.P.S. My opinion-- your future will lie in healthcare industry ;)

You've categorized me to a "T", Dogs - Just blogging away waiting for the revolution to get organized. :) . You can quote articles verbatim from Brit Hume and think that you're forming your own opinion and then make fun of blogs later in the week. The hypocrisy would be cute if it wasn't so contagious.

You find one source for an article and it's from a source that you don't trust and so you think it has to be false. Massachusetts and , more specifically Boston, has done a remarkable job turning their economy into an economy that is growing and is truly having the tide raise all ships as trickle down promised but is still waiting to deliver. It's government and business working together, providing checks and balances to one another that makes Boston, Boston; Chicago, Chicago and the opposite that makes Houston, Houston; and Paducah, Paducah.


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast


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Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I did like the cartoon :)

Sometime common sense and logic trumps your Mass intelligence.
You might think smoking the ole white owl shows intel --This dummy finds it repulsive
This dummy figures transfer of wealth/taxes
benefits the deadbeats and penalizes the productive-
I'm not near smart enough to figure how letting criminals profits from their deeds is a good thing.
--and for the life on me please tell me the intelligence behind wailing about indecent emails but electing those doing the deed to lifetime terms.

Ever hear the saying--it is not what you know but knowing where to find it?
Doesn't take an Einstein to go though these threads daily and see those who use soueces and references and those who get their opinions from blogs with neither. ;)

which reminds me--

I am still waiting for link---per intial post???

In the age of mis information you have to excuse me if I'm skeptical of info thrown out with no links to source or references---You can sip the cool aide
but I'll pass.

If you want to be viewed as remotely credible and not just opinionated can't see any prob in listing sources--unless your skeptical of them.

Classic example I could have thrown up this blog by Gibson yesterday--however I didn't because I could find any article by Washington Post that he refers to and he failed to provide link to it.

Insurgents Want Democrats to Win on November 7

Friday , October 27, 2006

By John Gibson

A couple days ago I wrote that if the Dems win, insurgents win.

That produced a huge amount of hate mail. A woman in L.A. can hardly wait for impeachment and she figures I should be on the impeachment list along with Bush and Cheney.

But look at the report today in The Sydney Morning Herald, which says that the Pentagon spokesman Eric Ruff "attributed the rising violence in Iraq to attempts by Al Qaeda to influence the U.S. elections and stir up opposition to President George W. Bush." Ruff stopped short of saying that Al Qaeda wanted a Democratic victory in the November 7 elections and denied emphatically that he was implying that, the paper said.

Eric Ruff probably saw all my hate mail for saying precisely that and decided to keep quiet. But he did quote an Al Qaeda leader, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, reported by the Washington Post to be ordering redoubled attacks "to have a great effect on the American elections."

Now why would Al Qaeda want to affect American elections?

Because Al Qaeda needs an American exit date in Iraq, and if the Democrats win, all indications are they will see to it that there is an exit date in Iraq.


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002

There is your link Dogs. One big difference between my article and your opinion piece. Mine deals with numbers and yours deals with a neocons opinion. You really like to twist everything don't ya.

Yes, we have a republican govonor and a democratic state house. They keep each other in line. Hopefully, we will be able to put your neocon boy in check after this election.


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Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000

when i visited your great city i never noticed any there any ? (lol)

and we know about kentucky's blue (lol).


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

when i visited your great city i never noticed any there any ? (lol)
you clearly weren't asking the right people. next time you visit, i'm sure stevie can hook you up.

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006

There is your link Dogs. One big difference between my article and your opinion piece. Mine deals with numbers and yours deals with a neocons opinion. You really like to twist everything don't ya.

Yes, we have a republican govonor and a democratic state house. They keep each other in line. Hopefully, we will be able to put your neocon boy in check after this election.

Stevie i know you have a republican gov mitch Rumney or sum shit like that but what dog can never understand is that if the govt and the house are doing a good job working together than were fine with that. To him he needs straight republicans when in fact this never works and your seeing live and in color right now. Every Republican gov we have had in pa runs us into huge debt. Same goes for Jersey. these guys always come into a surplus and then after they leave its back to trying to find a way to get out of horrible debt.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Thank you Stevie looks a lot more convincing--even though it was for a 3 month perod--still pretty impressive.

Sponge I believe I have stated "numerous" times I think gov work better with one party pres and other party congress--don't you ever pay attention?

You know--I always wonder who they poll to get their- country heading in wrong direction #'s.

considering--low taxes-unemployment-highest tax revenue-home ownership and stock market ever ect--
--but believe I found one source anyway :shrug:
Last edited:

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006

Sponge I believe I have stated "numerous" times I think gov work better with one party pres and other party congress--don't you ever pay attention?

Dogs, i ask you then why when someone brings up anything good you point out a lone republican in a certain position that possible is the reason the good stuff happen? Is it ball breaking or is it just not looking at the whole picture? Another thing i would like to ask you is why do republicans always run us into debt? In my lifetime Reagan did it, Bush senior did him even better. The son has even broke those two records.


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Nov 4, 2000
It's as it is many times. Some good, some in middle some suck. Those running in states that suck expect a change next week. Those who real take home pay has not gone any where for last 3 years expect to try and make changes next week. Those Bush made sure they got richer the top 2%. At the expense of deficits and others in the food change. Are talking as fast as fast as they can how good the world is. Deadly scared they may have to give back a mill or two out of there millions and billions. Paying for dirty adds to try and swing the election. Greed can be a sickness as bad as a bum standing on a corner with a cub.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Maybe We are on to something with the Blue states with Republican governors--

NYS Budget

New York State is on track for an over $1 billion surplus for the 2006-2007 fiscal year. The mid-year report is due out Monday. It points to better than expected economic growth and lower spending levels for the surplus. The extra money will head to several funds, including the state's Rainy Day Reserve fund.
The surplus also gives state reserves a boost. The Governor's office reports over $3 billion in total reserves.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Wisky is running about even. Believe by law many stares have no chose. They must balance there budgets. Some due to extreme emergencies can borrow some amounts. Needs to be like a disaster.
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