Good things happen to tms that R good? I think not this bears tm is playing a last place schedule but the talent level is soooooo way down and this sorry offensive TM can win the damn superbowl..I am serious....their is no dominate tm in the NFL...due to free agency and so forth....Watching this minny tm only put up 6 pts with a very strong offensive lineup but...then ya have moss and carter who wont go over the middle them chicken shits..St Paul pays ya over millions and ya act like pussy's...ya gotta be kidding me...I want to believe but this bears tm still isnt a believer 2 yrs or even 5 yrs ago...they would have gone 5-11 as n yrs past BUT with the talent level down they can actually win the damn super bowl...Rams R in the way but this tm with sub par talent can do it...above avg def can carry was proven tonight...yes I said sub par def....this is not a great is against a sub par let it ride...take it for what its worth...Bears can do I dreaming,,,prob so but they R playing in a pop warner league