Jack, Can I Say a Word About One of the Books on Your Recommended List?

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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 4, 2001
Summerville, SC
I noticed that Wagerstreet is on your recommended list, but not on your "free t-shirt list". So if they are not still an advertiser/sponsor, then I apologize if this post is out of line.

However, I feel that it's important to tell others whenever you've received unusually good or unusually poor service. I'm glad to report that my experience with Wagerstreet has been extraordinarily good.

Every time I've dealt with them (usually on the phone), I've been dealt with in a most polite and courteous manner. It is well evident that customer service is a top priority with them. But just today, they exhibited an extrodinary level of customer service that I just gotta tell about.

I had requsted a payout from them via regular mail (yeah, I know...what WAS I thinking?) that somehow never arrived at my mailbox. I used live chat to talk with someone named Bob about it, and he assured me not to worry. (I think it's Bob I've dealt with before, and believe me, he could teach the rest of the business world about the meaning of customer service.)

He said he'd check with the bank the next morning and put a stop payment on it. He offered to call me back after he checked with the bank, but I declined and told him I'd get back with him (kinda hard to talk about these things at work doncha know

I was thinking to myself that it would take a week to ten days to get everything staightened out (IF it could be straightened out, that is).

But when I called Bob this evening I was pleasantly surprised. He had already called the bank, verified that the check hadn't been cashed, and had already put a stop payment on it. All he wanted to know from me was how would I like the replacement funds sent? FedEx (their cost), PayPal, etc?

Even though I hate all my personal stuff floating around on the net, I opted for PayPal(what the heck). I have a PayPal acct, but it wasn't set up to be able to withdraw funds to my checking. He told me I could set it up that way and even offered to have me call him back if I had any trouble configuring things.

But the thing that really blew me away was when he told me he would be adding 10% to the my withdrawal amount. He did the whole thing while we were on the phone, and sure enough when I logged in to my PayPal acct, there was my orignal requested withdrawal amount plus 10%!

Too often we as consumers and customers vent our anger when things go wrong, but I feel it's equally important to report when we've received extraordinarily good treatment. Wagerstreet, in my opinion, went well above and beyond the call and as such have definately earned some fierce customer loyalty from me.



Forum Member
Nov 22, 1999
I'm glad to hear that about Wagerstreet. I must say that Wagerstreet is also one of my favorite books! There is still not another Sportsbook site that is faster!

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Jul 13, 1999
I must have removed them from the tee-shirt list accidently when I was adding a book. I'll have it back on there sometime tomorrow morning.

Thanks for letting me know.

Subagoto--you'll get one