I want you to explain to me why you allow people on this site who are "Private", and selling there picks can be allowed to sell themselves again after they win a game to lure people to come and buy there picks? I consider Jeff to be a friend of mine but it's dead wrong unless they have to show the site ALL there wins and loses they post, not "After the Fact", as it's wide open marketing that you should be getting paid on! And then people are saying others posted there plays after Thunder posted his plays to make people believe they are following Thunder also. Weather that's true or not I don't care, but if you are going to allow Private salespeople to also market there wins but not show there loses it is unfair to the readers. Many people may disagree with me, and I am all for selling picks as I did it for years until my business and work hours changed, but if you allow sales people on this site to post winning threads about how they do, you should also require each to show all wins and loses for the entire year in each sport. We all know that if both guys show their entire years results, many people would jump on board in their best sports as people love proven winners. I haven't been on much the past six months, maybe you make them do it already I don't know. But if a person is selling on your site, I would think you would want it to be a open book on their results so your loyal patrons to your site are never taken and know exactly what they are getting into before they spend money! Again this is only my opinion, doesn't mean it is right but I would like to know how the players feel about it. Please keep it constructive!