Jack was voted our neighborhood watch


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Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
Allright, it's official. I am here WAY too much reading through these boards.

I had a dream last night that MadJack was the means of the neighborhood watch where I lived.

A couple of things that I remember:
--Everyone had bear-heads mounted on their garages (or at least the cool people did). Mine actually watched as I pulled in my garage. he seemed friendly, too.

--I reported to madJack that one of my neighbors need to get control of their pet deer. The reason I knew it was theirs was that there was a nice sign hanging on the side of each one as they walked up and down the streets.

--We were voting whether or not to have beantownjim as our association president (okay--this one isn't true)

I may need to stop coming around so much!:shrug:
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